AW Silver 2/AQ Map 5 Alliance LFM Active Members

Looking for more active members to join our alliance.
AQ - 55555 X 2: Normal/HC Mods
AW - Silver 1/2 Tier 12/13
Alliance Prestige - 11.3k
Alliance Rating - 31M
9k+ prestige recommended but not necessary as participation in both AQ and AW required.
Line optional but not required.
Line message me if interested on slevin_7 or friend request in game on 7Slevin.
AQ - 55555 X 2: Normal/HC Mods
AW - Silver 1/2 Tier 12/13
Alliance Prestige - 11.3k
Alliance Rating - 31M
9k+ prestige recommended but not necessary as participation in both AQ and AW required.
Line optional but not required.
Line message me if interested on slevin_7 or friend request in game on 7Slevin.