Should I explore act six

I haven't explored any of act six, am wrapping up 8.2 exploration. After 8.2 I'm going to explore 7.3 and 7.4, after that however, I don't think exploring act 6 is even worth it. hercules will blas through it but there are so many paths for so few rewards.
But I can't say that I found a large chunk of my Act 6 completion 'fun' as a result. There are other things I'd rather do (EQ, SQ, bits of Incursions, BG and Arena) that attempting an explore of Act 6.
When I previewed all the paths in 6.1.1 it reminded me of the old Act 4 hahaha.
However, when you have more champions at a higher rank, a lot of the pain points of Act 6 go away and the more enjoyable aspects of the Act shines through. The general nerf a while back also helps, of course.