What if they don’t reach 1mil?

IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
There’s a huge chance we aren’t going to hit 1mil seeing how slow it’s going right now so what happens if we don’t hit it ? We get nothing ? Surely we wouldn’t be given the poll if they haven’t got there yet so maybe we will get that crystal anyway?


  • IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    They need to get to 1kk to release the promised stuff. If they don't, then nothing will be done.
    Unless they still decide to do it, which would be false advertisement. But oh well ...

    No, just no. False advertising would be them saying all this stuff and then not delivering when conditions are met. Or me promising my followers and fans rewards and then taking their money. Or me saying "hey honey I made steak dinner" and when he comes home he sees it really came from a local steak house. Or like EA promising a great Star Wars game and locking everything behind pay walls.......

    It's not "Hey guys, you did your best, you gave it the old college try, but unfortunately some times you don't reach your goal. Since we have loyal fans and players who love this game we decided to release a trimmed down reward package. We hope you guys have a good holiday season"

    That's sort of like a consolation prize not false advertisement.
    I think the £1 crystal is gonna happen regardless due to how much £££ kabam would get from it
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    Illuminant wrote: »
    I think the £1 crystal is gonna happen regardless due to how much £££ kabam would get from it

    They could probably make $1,000,000 that way lol.
  • VavasourVavasour Member Posts: 258
    Maybe the $1 crystal is a $2 crystal, if the limil (aka limit) is not met.

    I would be totally cool with that, same deal, less discounted.
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    The crystal would be the least likely thing to happen. The 2-star arena might happen regardless, but no one can expect anything if they don't reach the 1kk likes.
  • Liss_Bliss_Liss_Bliss_ Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    The crystal would be the least likely thing to happen. The 2-star arena might happen regardless, but no one can expect anything if they don't reach the 1kk likes.

    Wait a second. You think them releasing an offer that would MAKE THEM MONEY and plop a God Tier champ in the laps of players would be less likely than an arena that offers a 5*? Even if most of those 5*'s would be LC/SG/IP?

    Money over no money...
  • IlluminantIlluminant Member Posts: 196
    I’d like to seem kabam actually say what would happen because it obviously isn’t going to happen
  • Eb0ny-O-M4wEb0ny-O-M4w Member Posts: 14,159 ★★★★★
    eXtripa69 wrote: »
    The crystal would be the least likely thing to happen. The 2-star arena might happen regardless, but no one can expect anything if they don't reach the 1kk likes.

    Wait a second. You think them releasing an offer that would MAKE THEM MONEY and plop a God Tier champ in the laps of players would be less likely than an arena that offers a 5*? Even if most of those 5*'s would be LC/SG/IP?

    Money over no money...

    Just look at the price of that "offer" and the scenario they are using it. That "offer" doesn't make sense without that scenario.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    If we don't hit 1 mil then it is obvious that we are living in apocalyptic times! (Na!) Truthfully, with the amount of complaining and bailing we've seen lately 1 mil seems unlikely...so we may as well stop counting our unhatched eggs!
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    The goal was really unrealistic to be fair, but hopefully they will pull through with what is being offered, and then maybe say it's for the 3rd anniversary of the game.

    However I hope they have separate events planned for that, and we can get a bumper December
  • A_Noob_Is1A_Noob_Is1 Member Posts: 762 ★★
    We won't get anything and the guys complaining will be the same guys who didn't like their page.
  • XstasisXstasis Member Posts: 50
    We ain't gettin' jack, son!

    That's the basic jist of it really.
  • Draco2199Draco2199 Member Posts: 803 ★★★
    Then we get nothing
  • ALCAMIST9ALCAMIST9 Member Posts: 48
    When does the two star arena come out ?
  • VoluntarisVoluntaris Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★
    they won't reach 1 mil
  • JasonMBryantJasonMBryant Member Posts: 301 ★★
    ALCAMIST9 wrote: »
    When does the two star arena come out ?

    They didn't say.

    Since there's a very good chance that we won't hit one million facebook likes, it might never come out.
  • Nexus_UY_ScutiNexus_UY_Scuti Member Posts: 480 ★★
    They will still release the crystals, but they will no longer cost only 1USD. 1 dollar is based on their projection of if they have 1 million likes, they can hit their yearly target of sales by having a portion of that 1 million players buy the $1 crystal.

    So if they only have 800k likes, the crystals will cost $1.25.
  • ConnectConnect Member Posts: 197
    I would like mcoc more if they didn’t have the uncollected badge for better prizes policy
  • MarzGrooveMarzGroove Member Posts: 903 ★★★
    They will still release the crystals, but they will no longer cost only 1USD. 1 dollar is based on their projection of if they have 1 million likes, they can hit their yearly target of sales by having a portion of that 1 million players buy the $1 crystal.

    So if they only have 800k likes, the crystals will cost $1.25.

  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    Dropfaith wrote: »
    Someone go make 300k fake facebooks and like it duh

    Haha that isn't a bad idea, well it is for 1 person...
  • SpinoSpino Member Posts: 241
    Instead, when they get to 1 million, around june 2018, we will get a free Valorous Crystal with a rare chance at 3 or 4* Thor (Ragnarok)
  • charaderdude2charaderdude2 Member Posts: 1,530 ★★★
    Spino wrote: »
    Instead, when they get to 1 million, around june 2018, we will get a free Valorous Crystal with a rare chance at 3 or 4* Thor (Ragnarok)

    Nah,All of us (Even Collected ones) need a free Jarnbjorn Crystal! Guaranteed 3* with rare chance at a 4* or a 5*,Increased chance to award a 3,4 or 5* Thor (Ragnarok) or Blade!
  • uLqui0rauLqui0ra Member Posts: 76
    2 year+ = 750k like
    2 month = need 250k like..
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,984 ★★★★★
    I have no idea. I'm hoping they'll run them anyway. We're almost at 800k now. It's also possible it will be a missed goal. I'm just not investing any expectations into it so I'm cool with whatever happens.
  • DarkestDestroyerDarkestDestroyer Member Posts: 2,888 ★★★★★
    I have no idea. I'm hoping they'll run them anyway. We're almost at 800k now. It's also possible it will be a missed goal. I'm just not investing any expectations into it so I'm cool with whatever happens.

    Very true not to invest any expectations, the sad part is, I don't think anyone has disliked what would be coming.

    And for it to be set aside for a goal which was almost impossible from the get go, people are going to be so disappointed either way.

    Things like this should pop up as it is, not just for a goal that was (as everyone has said) very unrealistic.

    They have basically come and told us tons of things everyone would love, events running that everyone will love, for us only to he told in the same sentence that it's more than likely not gonna happen.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Kabam hopefully will consider some way to mitigate our disappointment. It should be clear to them if in fact we don't hit 1 mil that we are already falling away because of consistantly being disappointed...the solution to their problem...our problems...is not to disappoint us in an even more massive public and arena all at one time! Just sayin' Kabam...unhappy customers is the problem...making more unhappy is no kind of solution.
  • RapRap Member Posts: 3,234 ★★★★
    Really it is simple kabam...don't disappoint us this time...next time maybe we won't disappoint kabam.
  • weapon_xtreme83weapon_xtreme83 Member Posts: 110
    I think they will have to run them anyway. It turns into a marketing nightmare if they don't because then everyone will start going to their Facebook page and unliking it. I'm pretty sure that counter will move faster than the way it's going now.
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