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Who to do for my 3rd r4?

I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★

All of them are r2(except herc) Herc will be my second r4
Currently my only r4 champ is Diablo

Also, Kabam don't give me Sasquatch in the next featured I open
It would make a nice apology to give me an Abs man but I won't mind getting spot
Many Many thanks


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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 915 ★★★
    Doom or Nick, I’d go doom
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    Manup456Manup456 Posts: 887 ★★★★
    Doom, Kitty, Herc or NF but QS another good option
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Manup456 said:

    Doom, Kitty, Herc or NF but QS another good option

    Herc is going to r4 by default
    Idk who to rank after him
    Another option is my r1 scorpion or r1 Spidey2099(duped)
    Didn't rank scorpion cause I have a 5* r5
    But now I have an opportunity
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    Manup456Manup456 Posts: 887 ★★★★
    @I_tell_no_tales_1 Go Kitty or Doom they are so useful in so many different aspects of the game. Scorpion is a great champ as well I have him r4 also NF helps a lot. You really can’t go wrong ranking any of those champs.
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Manup456 said:

    @I_tell_no_tales_1 Go Kitty or Doom they are so useful in so many different aspects of the game. Scorpion is a great champ as well I have him r4 also NF helps a lot. You really can’t go wrong ranking any of those champs.

    Then I think I will probably r4 my doom
    He has a vast field of uses and will be viable in almost any content(jk I just have 100+ mystic iso-8)
    Then I will start with the phase 2 of rankups which is basically me taking all the champions I used the most at r2 to r3
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