Getting low graphics on a flagship phone

Device and Model: Asus zenfone 9
Device Operating System: Android 13
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: Latest
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: I have a low graphichs on a flagship phone. Asus zenfone 9. No rain, no fog, even no fog while ghost enters in phase mode.
My phone gets almost 1 milion points in antutu so fix this please.
Phone specs: 8/128 GB, Snapdragon 8 + gen 1
Device Operating System: Android 13
Cellular or WiFi: Both
Game Version Installed: Latest
Game Mode: All
Description of the Issue: I have a low graphichs on a flagship phone. Asus zenfone 9. No rain, no fog, even no fog while ghost enters in phase mode.
My phone gets almost 1 milion points in antutu so fix this please.
Phone specs: 8/128 GB, Snapdragon 8 + gen 1
and some random youtube ghost video
Every android has low graphics. It is absolutely rediculous. My old iphone 8 plus has better graphics than your flagship.
It is not about the phones being able to handle it. It is about it being restricted to most apple products.
I played on an ipad 2021 and it also had android graphics and lots of lags. Some Apple graphics has only been unlucked for a couple of months now for this ipad. And everything is much smoother despite more demanding graphics. It still has worse animations than the 8 Plus despite having a chip that is 2 generations newer and far more powerful.
I get that android devices has a lot of different chips. But since basically any other game can do all graphic settings for all games as long as the phone is powerful enough I really don`t see why there still is no option to unlock the additional features.
The only reason I can think of is that most big bucks come from iphone users. But that can be a chicken and egg situation where most big spenders bought iphones to play this game because it was smoother from the start. Since most android were much lower end when the game launched.
For exemple Iphone 14 = High Graphics
Samsung s9 = Medium
Samsung S8 = Low
.......................... etc
And the phones less know like realme, asus maybe they are not even in their list so maybe they got a low graphics by default regardless flaghship or no
Might have to do with your GPU.
This is mine on S23 ultra..pretty similar to iphone