Suggestion to Battleground

As some other summoners, i really hate Battleground !
Not that i am against PvP, but i hate the system of that Battleground !
What i hate the most : having to loose hard gained medals because of bugs and cheaters.
You sometimes have to play 1 hour to start earning enough medals to rank up but the last fight you got disconnected or the ia refuse to launch its sp so you die of degen or your opponent is a cheater (yes he will get ban but you still loose your medals) !
So why do i play battleground ? After all there are plenty of other game mode available !
Because i play AQ at high level and i need the highest possible prestige !
By adding relic’s prestige to summoner’s prestige, Kabam made Battleground mandatory… Relics and their material can only be found in Battleground.
Without Battleground we can’t get enough relics shards (5 and 6 stars) for our prestige to go up quickly.
So here is my suggestion : stop taking medals off when a player loose a fight !
Those that are no really interested in Battleground, like me, will still be able to get relic’s ressources without all the frustration.
Those who really enjoy Battleground will still gain access to higher rewards by fighting in Gladiator’s circuit
Not that i am against PvP, but i hate the system of that Battleground !
What i hate the most : having to loose hard gained medals because of bugs and cheaters.
You sometimes have to play 1 hour to start earning enough medals to rank up but the last fight you got disconnected or the ia refuse to launch its sp so you die of degen or your opponent is a cheater (yes he will get ban but you still loose your medals) !
So why do i play battleground ? After all there are plenty of other game mode available !
Because i play AQ at high level and i need the highest possible prestige !
By adding relic’s prestige to summoner’s prestige, Kabam made Battleground mandatory… Relics and their material can only be found in Battleground.
Without Battleground we can’t get enough relics shards (5 and 6 stars) for our prestige to go up quickly.
So here is my suggestion : stop taking medals off when a player loose a fight !
Those that are no really interested in Battleground, like me, will still be able to get relic’s ressources without all the frustration.
Those who really enjoy Battleground will still gain access to higher rewards by fighting in Gladiator’s circuit