Not Qualified For 7* Alliance Event

KnightNvrEndingKnightNvrEnding Member Posts: 452 ★★★
Really asking this for a friend. She joined my alliance over 2 weeks ago but in game says she didn’t join soon enough to qualify for the event. How long did you have to be in an alliance to qualify for this if that’s the case? Lol Two weeks seems plenty long enough to qualify.


  • BadMother2BadMother2 Member Posts: 40
    Agreed, I’ve done a full AQ cycle w my current alliance but am seeing the same message.
  • T_mann91T_mann91 Member Posts: 1
    Same issue. I've been with my current alliance for 6 days now and have done a full AQ cycle and now I don't qualify for alliance rewards and missing out on much needed R4 resources. Please advise @Kabam Miike
  • SerialKiller13xSerialKiller13x Member Posts: 8
    Same here. I've been in my alliance for over a week now and I opened one 7* crystal contributing 2,500 points to the alliance board. I have 7 hours left before I qualify it says. However I'm curious, my alliance has reached rank 4 already, will I only get the rank 1 reward or will I get the others that our alliance has achieved? People are telling me that I have to contribute more than 2,500 points to get more than one milestone.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 713 ★★★★
    dear @Kabam Jax

    Could you give us a hand with this?
  • abamabam Member Posts: 32
    Well kabam failing miserably as usual. They didn't count milestones that were missed with points you put up. And there was no mention of the event saying you had to be in the alliance before the event showed up. Not a forum post. Not an in game message. Kabams absolute failing is a keystone to their whole operation.
  • Jdizzle1989Jdizzle1989 Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2023
    Same. But I joined one today. I would have stayed to get at least one reward from my other alliance before leaving if i had known. Kabam didn't warn us at all, couldn't find anything so far. If they did say something somewhere please show me and i will be content with my mistake.
  • CoppinCoppin Member Posts: 2,601 ★★★★★
    The fact that no one answered a single post on this issue makes me think of the worst outcome...
  • Nameless_IWNameless_IW Member Posts: 1,162 ★★★★
    i'm on the same boat, my timer is 3 days and 16 hours) , i have already opened up my 7" but haven't purchased any paragon crystals yet. Once my timer is up, i will purchase 1 paragon cyrstal and see the outcome of it. Will report that in here after 3 days.
  • PeeshiversPeeshivers Member Posts: 5
    Same here, I joined my alliance the day after war seasons ended like 2-3 weeks ago, and it says I don’t qualify for the event for 3 more days but all the rewards say not available and I didn’t contribute even though my solo contributions are captured in the alliance event. Makes no sense to me how that can be, normally it’s like a 7 day timer from the time you join the alliance. I can’t claim any rewards from the work I’ve put in.
  • SyndicatedSyndicated Member Posts: 713 ★★★★

    Same here, I joined my alliance the day after war seasons ended like 2-3 weeks ago, and it says I don’t qualify for the event for 3 more days but all the rewards say not available and I didn’t contribute even though my solo contributions are captured in the alliance event. Makes no sense to me how that can be, normally it’s like a 7 day timer from the time you join the alliance. I can’t claim any rewards from the work I’ve put in.

    3 Days Passed, you can claim them?
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