6 r4 champs(1 per class)+ brand new 7 star opening!!

Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★
I haven't been posting quite that much realted to my huge roster updates.

I have recently got a lot of r3 champs and 4 new r4 rankups.
To r3 i have taken Ham, Ultron, Ibom, bishop and Spidey supreme. Then i decided to get 1 rank 4 per class. I already had herc guardian and HM at r4. I wanted someone for mystic, mutant and science. For mystic i had doom and diablo as my typical options. I wanted to rankup doom because of his prestige, but he wouldn't feel that fun without high sig. So i explored act 8.2 to get all resources to get him to high sig. Got doom to r4. I didn't have quite good options for science and mutant. Recently had pulled Ibom spot and ham. Decided to put abom to r4 as he didn't feel sarisfying at r3. Remaing mutant, i had champs like bishop storm AA and sunspot. I loved none except for AA, vur i already had him at 5 star Max tier, so decided to take bishop upto r4. Feels like i was wrong, he is so much better than i thought. Took down ROL WS in 25 hits with the storm x synergy.

To the last part , 7 stars are here. I wanted anyone except guilly and WM, idk why but i am happy i didnt get any of them. I wanted mantis, domino or falcon because they didn't require sigs for being great. But ended up pulling this girl. She is perfect of a champion. Feels satisfying to play with her.


  • I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Member Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    Why do you do this my friend
    Your agree to disagree ratio is 1:10 but still you manage to annoy us
  • Real_Madrid_76_2Real_Madrid_76_2 Member Posts: 3,579 ★★★★★

    Why do you do this my friend
    Your agree to disagree ratio is 1:10 but still you manage to annoy us

    Nah man i am not spamming as before
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