Need a 5th 7 star, should I…

nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
I’m currently sitting around 45k points for the event and 7k 7* shards. If i can get a fifth and finish exploring the shooting stars quest i feel as though i’d make big gains.

Need a 5th 7 star, should I… 43 votes

spend 6k units on paragon crystals
CropDusterKRANꓘJefechuta 3 votes
explore 8.2 (11k shards) and hope i get dupes from next featured (250k shards)
Feeney234RockyshockyPikoluAyden_noah1Disthene_TThoye3Deamon1337Be_SomebodyhoundogακιMasterzxProTheBair123BigBlueOxAce2319DaBigGubGubAxewSlayinAliveKingSageThe1stSuhshehshsElite13 19 votes
option 1 and 2 which will guarantee me a 7 star (but at what cost)
Manup456BuildWong_99hyp3r05nico69 5 votes
save units for july and miss out on extra goodies
Markjv81Deemonbalarcm2017UnobtainiumClawsrdxevilpine_aplleFloorKillercaptain_rogersMatty_IceChiliDogIryseAshacekarSHIELD4AGENTJT_Supremespider_man_guy_123startropics 16 votes


  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    save units for july and miss out on extra goodies
    I’m in the exact same boat, 3500 shards away from a 5th, 43600 points. I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s literally no point trying to get any more as even if I did get a 5th and finished the quest there’s no more meaningful solo milestones until 55/60k which finishing the quest wont get me to those points anyway.
  • PikoluPikolu Member, Guardian Posts: 8,286 Guardian
    explore 8.2 (11k shards) and hope i get dupes from next featured (250k shards)
    You might as well do this as 30 paragon crystals aren't good odds for getting a 7*. There'll be better rewards for 4th of july anyways for your money than these.
  • nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
    option 1 and 2 which will guarantee me a 7 star (but at what cost)
    Markjv81 said:

    I’m in the exact same boat, 3500 shards away from a 5th, 43600 points. I’ve come to the conclusion that there’s literally no point trying to get any more as even if I did get a 5th and finished the quest there’s no more meaningful solo milestones until 55/60k which finishing the quest wont get me to those points anyway.

    is the only way you can get shards right now from dupes? there will be another 500 on offer for side quest next week and i haven’t totalled the remaining points from the shooting stars quest but with the opening of your fifth and those paragon crystals if you see the point in grinding a few units you could see yourself at an extra 5k shards from 70k in the solo objective. that’s what i’d aim for ideally but i can only hope

  • nico69nico69 Member Posts: 67
    option 1 and 2 which will guarantee me a 7 star (but at what cost)
    Pikolu said:

    You might as well do this as 30 paragon crystals aren't good odds for getting a 7*. There'll be better rewards for 4th of july anyways for your money than these.

    yeah the paragon crystals would mainly be for points as if i open 6200 units worth i can get 5000 shards from the milestone which would make my efforts a lot easier but it’s whether i think that’s a worthy investment or not and i’m just not sure, if i got a cheeky 7* from the paragon crystals too though it would be well worth in my opinion
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