Sp2 not triggering precision buff in cgr

Device version: iphone 12 pro
Device operating system: latest
Mobile carrier: telcel
Cellular or wifi: both
Game version: lastest
Game mode: in every fight
Champion affected: Cgr
Active boost: none
Description of the issue: My rank 3 cgr isn’t triggering the precision buff on sp2in every fight i get in. The characters descrptions clearly states that he gets a precision buff if none are active in sp2, besides ive watch other fights with cgr in which there’s a precision buff on sp2, so the damage and crit rate gets pretty lame.


  • T-DeAdLY-JT-DeAdLY-J Member Posts: 540 ★★★★
    If you dex and get the buff, the precision won’t trigger until you reset your judgements.
  • Make sure you're not using the Dexterity master at all before throwing your special 2. If you do, it triggers a precision buff and won't activate the precision on your sp2.
  • Thunderbolt4406Thunderbolt4406 Member Posts: 10
    Damn i didnt know that guys thanks
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