Alliance season war 42 broken?

Bmwm307Bmwm307 Member Posts: 18
My alliance says they have enlisted for 3bg war.

Once war making starts, it’s searching for a 1 bg match and 20 players are sitting on the bench.

They are claiming that it is an issue with Kabam, yet not one has posted something about this matter. Is anyone facing this issue? @Kabam Miike can you help me out? Is there something known by Kabam?

In a world that everyone pisses in Kabam with a minimum issue, I find it hard to believe that Kabam messed this up as this would be the first post since season started about this issue.


  • QuikPikQuikPik Member Posts: 822 ★★★★
    Did you play 1 BG wars during the off season?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,546 Guardian
    Using another recent post pic as example (see pic below) that 1st line saying 3 BG is known to basically always say 3, even if that is NOT what you have enrolled for.

    The next line, showing ON and OFF season enlistment is more accurately saying what you are enlisted for. And what should be what Matchmaking will actually use.

    So your Ally probably was set for 1 BG in off-season (and had probably set BOTH “IN” and “OFF” for 1 after end of last season), but when they saw this 1st line (as example) saying 3 BG, maybe they assumed (incorrectly) that it somehow reverted back to 3 all on it's own, and that 3 will thus be used. And so they didn’t think they had to go back into Enlistment screen and actually change it back to 3.

    That previous (to the left) Tab Screen should have clearly indicated what you are supposedly enrolled for (prior to matchmaking starting, when that screen is no longer present during placement phase).

  • Bmwm307Bmwm307 Member Posts: 18
    Very helpful, think this is the issue!
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