Thronebreaker Event quest Exploration 25% T6CC

dmadge11dmadge11 Member Posts: 28
You are supposed to receive this reward in the special tab from 100% this month’s monthly event quest except when I completed my last path and finished every chapter this still says 0/1. I didn’t receive the T6CC is this a problem for anyone else? My only explanation is that this tab was not present before I was Paragon which when I 100% the quest it gave me the resources to be become Paragon but now I won’t get these rewards? Any help would be appreciated.


  • captain_rogerscaptain_rogers Member Posts: 11,689 ★★★★★
    It happened to me and a lot of people. It is a bug that is constantly ignored by kabam, you'll get it from next month,this month,sorry you can't get it.
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