Champion size and animation? interactions

Having a champs size affect their ability to bait out specials is kind of annoying to say the least maybe animations have a part to play as well but i think its mostly because of the size, i really dont like getting screwed over because of something that isnt a node like mordo being naturally passive or venom being super aggressive or mysterio doing you know what 😒
The main point of focus was really the champion sizes affecting your ability to bait out specials
acquiring some new information its the champions design cause theres no issue with warlock but issues with apoc and king groot
You misunderstood what i said i was using venom, mysterio, and mordo as an example of champs that have things that arent in their kit
And champion size/design or maybe their animations does affect ability to bait out specials i have constant issues baiting specials with larger champs such as apoc and king groot their large size makes them take a bigger step back or something but you can tell just by looking that the attempted bait isnt going to work
Stuff like this has been in the game for ages like some champs animations make it easier to intercept like warlock some champs are harder like bwdo and some champs are harder to hit while dashing at you like ms.marvel