What did you do with your 7* shards?

Interested to know.
Personally I’m holding out for better champs to be added in the pool to open them.
Personally I’m holding out for better champs to be added in the pool to open them.
What did you do with your 7* shards? 291 votes
Post edited by Kabam Jax on
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The only good one I want is Domino but the chance of getting 1-2 champs isn’t enticing.
Be honest.
Plus 7* shards are really hard to come by so I’m not wasting them at a chance of us-god tier champs.
I guess I’m the most patient here.
In that experiment most just open the 1. But kids with higher iQs tend to wait to get 2.
Take from that what you will..
Opening them later rewards you with a 7*.
Take from will what that you...
Take from that what you will.