This team can counter any champion

Bold statement I know but I wanna test this out lol
Name any champ and I will try to describe how a champ from my team can counter them.
Obviously any specific nodes can change anything so ignoring them for this.
My Team:
- Professor X
- Magneto
- Colossus
- Omega Red
- Quicksilver
Name any champ and I will try to describe how a champ from my team can counter them.
Obviously any specific nodes can change anything so ignoring them for this.
My Team:
- Professor X
- Magneto
- Colossus
- Omega Red
- Quicksilver
- Against Nimrod he can counter unstoppable and also easily evade SP1 by dashing into it.
- Against Omega Sentinel I don’t see anything stopping him from beating her but tbh I don’t know that much about her.
- I easily beat him in thronebreaker EQ with Colossus. Just parry then heavy while keeping an eye on his unblockable charges, launch SP2 when not indestructible.
- Both Prof X and Quicksilver counter evade and miss.
Torch (annoying mystics)
Doom (power control)
AbsMan (terrax, hulkling, annihilus, aarkus)
+your fav evade counter
Quicksilver has either for Hyperion
I don't think this team can counter everything but the 3 u mentioned can be countered by these
So with Quicksilver, he would incinerate himself too much due to the number of hits?
I remember beating her quite a few times with Colossus during a side quest a few months ago. If I just focus on parry + heavy with him, would be a tough fight but still be able to get through it.
What are the ideal counters for her?
In pvp content, the last thing you want to do is trigger her autoblock because it counts as a parry and the AI is very good at doing 5 hit combos too.
Anyone else I could counter or atleast fight normally.
Jessica Jones
Quicksilver will take a lot of time to kill him, what a boring team you did tbh lol
If you want a team that *counters* everything that's tough. But if you want a team that just doesn't trip over itself trying to fight everything, you just need to put enough immunities on your team and have MSD play it, and that will destroy everything.