Paragon Party…

After procrastinating 4 2 long …the newly released 7 stars finally convinced me 2 perform an Act 7 completion. I started last Sunday & completed 7 long “numb thumb” days later. Only opened features w/ my rewards but we will skip that less than juicy tid-bit of info. However I am now a Royal member of the “Order of Paragoons” so let the festivities commence R at least let me open something besides Annihilus…LOL
1x-Gully2099- dupe
2x- Purgatory-dupe
2x-Symbiote Supreme-dupe
1x- Abom-dupe
1x- Cable-dupe
1x- Red Cyclops-dupe
1x-Hela- dupe
1x-She Hulk- Awaken
1x-Yellow Jacket - dupe
1x - Masacre- Awaken
1x - CGR- dupe
1x - Super Skrull - dupe
1x - Wolverine - New (yeah, awaken,R3)
1x - Winter Soldier (6*)- dupe
1x- Killmonger (6*) - dupe
As a U can see an opening U truly would like 2 4get.
Excluding the new champs IMO this feature pool leaves a lot 2 B 2 desired.
Won't recommend opening more of those tho