Please be aware, there is a known issue with Saga badging when observing the AW map.
The team have found the source of the issue and will be updating with our next build.
We apologize for the inconvenience.

Damage output in BG

Anyone else having trouble with this? Not saying anything is wrong with the game. I’m positive there’s a skill I lack.

I haven’t knocked an opponent out yet this season. It doesn’t seem like the other players have any trouble with taking my champs out.

I’ve spent quite a bit redistributing my mastery points several times. Each time I’ve been able to progress in other areas. Just reached TB last week. I’ve just started being able to clear threat level 4 content without too much frustration more consistently. I still have soooo much to improve on before I’m confident in saying I’m decent in this game.

All that to say, I need help!

Any tips?



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    PlayinLikeaRookiePlayinLikeaRookie Posts: 22
    edited May 2023
    Here’s my top 30 at the moment. Left off 7* R1 Gorr.

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    AnthinhoAnthinho Posts: 256
    Its a really simple node I just think it comes down to either you not paying attention to the node and lack of skill, also remove points from glass cannon and put them elsewhere
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    PlayinLikeaRookiePlayinLikeaRookie Posts: 22
    Thanks. Any suggestions on where to move them?
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