Black Widow Deadly Origin Fight crashing gams

When fighting BWDO in the thronebreaker event quest 3.2, the game crashes while trying to load the fight.
IOS 16.5, tried both iPad and iPhone, installed and reinstalled, nothing is working and I can’t complete the event quest 100%
IOS 16.5, tried both iPad and iPhone, installed and reinstalled, nothing is working and I can’t complete the event quest 100%

Lots of rewards won’t be obtained due to this path…
It’s how they train the employees LOL
Thanks for bringing it to our attention - it's definitely odd that a specific fight seems to be causing an issue - I understand the frustration!
I brought it to the game team and they're investigating the situation!
That's all the information I have for now, but hopefully they're able to find the source of the issue soon!
The quest is coming to an end shortly, a lot of rewards will not be claimed now (100% exploration + 25% Tier 6 class catalyst rewards)
It still isn’t fixed so will we be provided with the rewards?