Maybe, but the Battlegrounds store seems very meant for what it has in my opinion. Like if I want ISO or a wide variety of rank up materials, I'll go to the Glory store. If I want items that will get me through content, I'll go to the loyalty store. If I want crystal shards and fairly basic rank up materials, the Battlegrounds store is my spot. I like it the way it is, but I definitely wouldn't complain about another source of ISO, as that's literally always my biggest lack.
They should add potions or iso to the store, thoughts?
Iso yes potions however wouldnt make any sense for a bg's store given the fact that you cant use potions in bg's
We still need iso more readily available the glory store is kinda ****, iso fields is ****, the only real way to get a steady amount is by getting 4 star shards which takes time and energy away from content with rewards that actually suit your progression.
We still need iso more readily available the glory store is kinda ****, iso fields is ****, the only real way to get a steady amount is by getting 4 star shards which takes time and energy away from content with rewards that actually suit your progression.