What is this? Is it that difficult to make a comprehendible survey?
Right... Have you ever read posts on the forums? I've seen worse than this in several different posts. Y'all out here acting like you've never misspelled anything or made grammatical errors. Chill.
You actually are unable to tell which answer is supposed to be which, which is the entire reason for the post. So that it gets fixed.
1 usually means Not at all important. 5 means very important. Companies also pay companies to make these surveys and gather the data. Y'all really want to be upset over some words that literally cost you nothing.
So let me recap real quick…so because I was cheeky in the wording of my bringing something to Kabam’s attention that needs correcting, you felt you needed to jump in, defend their virtue and defuse my “anger” with logic? Well, consider the mission accomplished sir, you are a true superhero.
I'm just saying it's not that big of a deal. There was 4 different posts on It all because someone copied a question they input wrong and astonishingly didn't notice.
It’s not one typo, it’s littered through the survey and makes accurately answering impossible. Thanks for your input though.
If you don't understand 1-5 rankerts in surveys, probably a you thing.
No idea what a “Rankert” is, but it doesn’t detract from the point that it needs fixing. Want to argue about something else?
This has been great fun