Returning to the Contest after ~3 years

Hello fellow Summoners!
I returned back to the Contest after roughly a 3 year break (I stopped playing when Longshot and Mojo were released for reference). I see so many new champions that got me excited to come back and play. I just wanted to get some quick bullet points on what I missed. I see 7* are now a thing 🤯. What champs should I be on the look out for now? Are the older champs that used to be part of the meta still good like CAIW, Ghost, Fury? Battlegrounds is a bit tricky for me to get into as well so still trying to learn that. Just give me your best tips, tricks, champs, and info I may have missed in the past few years. I appreciate you all and thanks in advance!
I returned back to the Contest after roughly a 3 year break (I stopped playing when Longshot and Mojo were released for reference). I see so many new champions that got me excited to come back and play. I just wanted to get some quick bullet points on what I missed. I see 7* are now a thing 🤯. What champs should I be on the look out for now? Are the older champs that used to be part of the meta still good like CAIW, Ghost, Fury? Battlegrounds is a bit tricky for me to get into as well so still trying to learn that. Just give me your best tips, tricks, champs, and info I may have missed in the past few years. I appreciate you all and thanks in advance!
Just kidding. What I really meant is, uninstall now and save yourself.
Ghost, Fury, Quake all still good, but Quake less so as she's still not available as 6* yet. But I would say the meta is dominated by champs that have been released since you left. A useful resource if you were not using it prior is the web site It has all the champions in the game and the basic information about each: abilities, stats, synergies.
Best advice I can give on Battlegrounds is that there's too much to try to learn everything at once, because your opponent is actively trying to throw curveballs at you during the matches, and the nodes change every month. So just presume you're going to lose a lot initially, and just jump in and start fighting. After you've gotten a few matches under your belt and you understand how the mode works, and more importantly you start having *specific* questions about the mode, then you can start looking at guides and videos and stuff. Before you actually experience the mode, the answers people give you will likely be to questions you don't understand yet. Get a feel for it, then start asking questions.
And probably the thing that distorts people's opinions on champs is that different champs have different overlapping abilities. So you will often see arguments on the forums where one person will say a particular champ is great, and another player will say that champ is worthless, then the first player will say that champ is really good at X, and then the second player will say that's irrelevant because they don't need X, because they already have other champs that can do X.
This is a bit of a circular argument, but also highlights that the value of a champ depends on the player and their roster. If they don't have a champ that can do X, then X becomes highly important and when they get a champ that can do X they will value that champ highly. Other players might not, but that's because they have three other champs that can do X but lack a champ that can do Y. Very, very, very, very few players can factor such considerations out of their champion value judgment.
There's no answer to the question of who's best. There isn't even really useful answers to who is better than who. What really matters is what can each champ do well, and which ones do you have to assemble teams from.
Battlegrounds are a bit of an enigma to me. I’m still learning the ropes and what I should do in order to excel. I may just need to find some videos to educate me.
I appreciate the feedback!
Be on lookout for dropped inputs and other bugs