Looking for active but low key Alliance
Member Posts: 171 ★★
Anyone need an active participant with no AW requirements?
Happy to chat about it here via PM or you can find me on LINE by searching and adding Obsidiman.
Line communication utilized during AQ series with BG Team.
AQ Participation is only requirement, no Battleground minimums, optional AW, RL comes first. Play the content you want, just do your part in AQ till maps are complete. We all offer hero/content advice to grow and crush game content.
Line ID if interested : Courtbear
If you found an alliance, please post that as you have garnered a lot of interest and recruiting is frustrating enough.
Line slevin_7 or message me in game slevin7 or 7slevin if interested
Best of luck with your search. I hope you find an alliance that doesn't rely on communication too much.
He's looking for an alliance by submitting a post in which he never checks back on although several people have expressed interest. He final does check back and decides to take a self depreciating route by stating there's no way anyone has interest in him. I thought I made it clear that if he's still looking, I'm INTERESTED in chatting. I then give an easy means in which to get in touch with me. Once again he seemingly goes the route of never rechecked this thread. At that point I give up figuring he must surely be looking for an alliance where no communication if of tantamount importance.
Annoying... but it is what it is.
Again apologies for the miscommunication/misunderstanding.
It is a game, and I really didn't mean to stir anything up. I did use "low key" in the title. I had stuff happen in real life. No worries, @obsidiman, not looking any longer.