Sig stones and arena boosts

Anuboss7Anuboss7 Member Posts: 8
edited June 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
When I use sig stone on a champ, they get arena boosts and get more points, is it normal?


  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    They are 2 different types of items.

    Maybe your system was bugging out and showing you the SigStone graphic for an Arena Boost item.
    If you click on the item, it will show you exactly what one it is before you use it.
  • Anuboss7Anuboss7 Member Posts: 8
    They were locked on matchmaking, then I went to intentory used a 1 point sig stone. Then I played the match and it gave like 1.5x point and the character was glowing green. Does it cause me a problem?
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,697 Guardian
    In arena, you can only apply a Points Boost up until you actually lock in your 3-champ arena match team.
    Once you get beyond that, to selecting opponents, etc, it is too late to apply a Points Boost.
    (I hate sometimes I forget to use the Points boost at first, then it is too late)

    As for a champ glowing green, that will indeed happen using a SigStone (or even ranking/leveling up or awakening) on a champ that is already in a quest, or arena match, etc.
    Indicates they have had some Stats change done to them since putting them on a team.

    Unless you actually saw the increase in arena points for them afterwards.
  • Anuboss7Anuboss7 Member Posts: 8
    Allright thanks. Just in case I wont do that again. It obviously seems to be a bug
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