Is Bg matchmaking still broken???

Superstar_1126Superstar_1126 Member Posts: 421 ★★

I, Uncollected, somehow matched against a Paragon player who has their top 4 champs as R4 6* with at least 2 7* champs. Whereas I only have 2 R3 6*, let alone R4 6* or 7* champs. Is the matchmaking still broken??? I don't exactly see how this could be a fair match in BG


  • phillgreenphillgreen Member Posts: 4,331 ★★★★★
    I wonder if the guy in plat2 I just fought will start a thread tomorrow given he had 6k prestige and mine is nearly 2.5 times that.

    Reformed modder perhaps?
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★
    Another day, another "BG matchmaking not working properly" post
  • ZekirZekir Member Posts: 155 ★★
    Wow... UC in Plat 2. Meanwhile I'm in Gold 2 facing bigger accounts than your opponent.

    Gold Tier and below, you match as close to your account as you can. Diamond and up, you start facing more people within your bracket, not your account rating.
  • WinterFieldsWinterFields Member Posts: 785 ★★★★

    So matchmaking is working as intended and this was just a match not in my favor?

    Yes, once you get into Plat, matchmaking starts to allow you to match with anyone in your tier, not just those with a similar roster. At this point, it would be more advantageous to focus on growing your account (specifically through progressing in story mode) than to try to beat players with much larger rosters
  • Superstar_1126Superstar_1126 Member Posts: 421 ★★

    I, Uncollected, somehow matched against a Paragon player who has their top 4 champs as R4 6* with at least 2 7* champs. Whereas I only have 2 R3 6*, let alone R4 6* or 7* champs. Is the matchmaking still broken??? I don't exactly see how this could be a fair match in BG

    Lemme rephrase it for u
    U, an uncollected, was gifted an easy path to platinum by getting unfairly favoured matchups but finally got a reality check when that protection of favoured matchups was removed once u hit platinum.
    That sound about right?
    U are in the same tier as ur opponent so how is the matchup not fair? U both compete for the same rewards so u both get to fight each other for the said reward.
    Most of my matches were actually fairly matched. There were a few that were unfair in my favor and others that were unfair in favor of my opponent. This was just the one that seemed the most bizzare to me but if matchmaking is working as intended then I'll just take the loss
  • GreekhitGreekhit Member Posts: 2,820 ★★★★★

    So matchmaking is working as intended and this was just a match not in my favor?

    Yes, once you get into Plat, matchmaking starts to allow you to match with anyone in your tier, not just those with a similar roster. At this point, it would be more advantageous to focus on growing your account (specifically through progressing in story mode) than to try to beat players with much larger rosters
    Got it. Thanks for the info. I've working on Cav now
    That’s what exactly what you should do as an Uncollected player.
    Get whatever rewards you can grab from BGs and focus on your story progression, to achieve a better title and have access to higher tier rewards.
    If you do that, in a few months you’ll have built a descent competitive account, that will be able to compete at Platinum tiers and pass through them to GC with your sword, without being gifted anything on your way up 🙂
  • HSS75HSS75 Member Posts: 1,161 ★★★
    that's how it is, what i consider broken is the amount of lags and disconnections that happen and it's just makes it unplayable since it effects your match to the point you just can't progress because of it
  • Superstar_1126Superstar_1126 Member Posts: 421 ★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
  • ChatterofforumsChatterofforums Member Posts: 1,779 ★★★★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    Fyi, it has absolutely nothing to do with your roster or even your skill. It has to do with Kabam curbing BG fights so that weak rosters fake weak rosters which makes it fairly simple for an even fairly average player to progress since your playing against mostly noobs with such a weak rosters.

    If your roster was great or if your skill was great, you wouldn't have made this thread because you wouldn't get stuck in platinum as soon as the curbing weaker rosters to weaker rosters safety net gets turned off.
  • Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    Fyi, it has absolutely nothing to do with your roster or even your skill. It has to do with Kabam curbing BG fights so that weak rosters fake weak rosters which makes it fairly simple for an even fairly average player to progress since your playing against mostly noobs with such a weak rosters.

    If your roster was great or if your skill was great, you wouldn't have made this thread because you wouldn't get stuck in platinum as soon as the curbing weaker rosters to weaker rosters safety net gets turned off.
    It still has a lot to do with roster and skill. Two people with the same sized roster are not equal if they've made different decisions on which champions to rank up. Plus, it is obviously impossible to win so many fights without some level of skill, and you're a lot more likely to beat a player with a slightly better roster if you just play better. Just because they're hard stuck plat doesn't mean you should downplay the work they put in to get there in the first place.
  • DNA3000DNA3000 Member, Guardian Posts: 20,406 Guardian

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That's a rhetorical question.

    Here's the greater context. For reasons that would take a long time to fully explain, Battlegrounds used to match players by roster strength which made the matches seem "fair" to the players, but also had the net effect of protecting lower progress players from having to face tough opponents. VT is a competition ladder, and we expect all things being equal that stronger players would find themselves at higher rungs of the ladder. So we would expect Silver competitors to be stronger than Bronze, and Gold stronger yet. But when we match by roster, we don't get stronger players moving up to silver and gold, we get a lot of lower progress players who did not have to face the stronger Bronze players and end up in Silver, then don't have to face the stronger Silver players and end up in Gold. By being protected against matches vs players of any higher progress tier, those players were being essentially shepherded into higher and higher tiers. Every tier then contains a mix of stronger and weaker players, who never face each other.

    While lower progress players see nothing but "fair" matches, that also means they never see stronger opponents. The notion that each ladder of VT should contain increasingly strong players is broken. Instead, it is as if the BG system was operating on a quota system: some UCs and some Cavs and some TBs and some Paragons are getting promoted at each tier. Which means strong Paragons that would ordinarily promote if the competition actually worked to recognize and promote stronger players would be getting held back, while weaker players would be advancing even though they were much weaker than the players being left behind.

    There's a lot of contention and even animosity over this situation. We have strong players getting stuck at lower VT tiers and wondering why and weaker players getting into GC and claiming its all fair and square. It isn't your fault, but every player like yourself that questions why they are facing high progress players is essentially repeating the notion that lower progress players shouldn't have to face the actual competition, they should get to face a sheltered set of weaker opponents while the higher progress players end up facing each other and essentially being penalized for progress. This actually happened once before, with Alliance war. Resentment over essentially the same problem caused by the same match making error eventually compelled Kabam to change Alliance war. It is happening again, with exactly the same resentments over the same broken system allowing lower progress players to leapfrog ahead of higher progress players. Which undermines the whole basis of the game.

    That just happens to be the current situation.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That has nothing to do with it. It's Kabam's awful matchmaking that has propelled you to a level that you do no belong.
  • Superstar_1126Superstar_1126 Member Posts: 421 ★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That has nothing to do with it. It's Kabam's awful matchmaking that has propelled you to a level that you do no belong.
    Just because of my Story progression Title, doesnt mean I don't belong in Plat. I have the roster and skill to get to Cav however I choose not to at this point in time. And if we take what others are saying as truth, then the matchmaking is getting better. So my matches are (for the most part) pretty fair. I said before though that there were quite a few matches that were unfair either in my favor or in favor of my opponent. But I do have what it takes to get to Plat on the VT

    We could argue over this but i'd rather not and just move on from this aspect of the thread. Again, if you want to continue, then i'm fine with showing my deck and i'll even include my match history if you wish to see it. I do, at least in my own personal opinion, belong here in Plat tier.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That has nothing to do with it. It's Kabam's awful matchmaking that has propelled you to a level that you do no belong.
    Just because of my Story progression Title, doesnt mean I don't belong in Plat. I have the roster and skill to get to Cav however I choose not to at this point in time. And if we take what others are saying as truth, then the matchmaking is getting better. So my matches are (for the most part) pretty fair. I said before though that there were quite a few matches that were unfair either in my favor or in favor of my opponent. But I do have what it takes to get to Plat on the VT

    We could argue over this but i'd rather not and just move on from this aspect of the thread. Again, if you want to continue, then i'm fine with showing my deck and i'll even include my match history if you wish to see it. I do, at least in my own personal opinion, belong here in Plat tier.
    You really don't get it. In a balanced system, a Cav wouldn't get to Plat until all the Paragons and most of the TBs got there first. As of now, there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels because of the matchmaking. that same matchmaking that propelled you to Plat is the one that are keeping Paragons in Silver and Gold.
  • kevhugokevhugo Member Posts: 138 ★★
    Cyborg17 said:

    Maybe your skill is broken 😬

    damn. I bet you felt really cool saying that smh
  • SummonerNRSummonerNR Member, Guardian Posts: 13,692 Guardian

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like


    Just because of my Story progression Title, doesnt mean I don't belong in Plat. I have the roster and skill to get to Cav however I choose not to at this point in time..

    You’re right, in that it is NOT because you are still only UC and not TB+.

    Bit it *IS* because of the strength of your roster.
    You said yourself that you only have 2x of 6* r3 champs at top.
    And were now facing teams with full 6* r4 with some 7*.

    When you get to Plat level, you face whoever else is also in Plat level, which would include those much stronger teams than yourself.

    What Kabam DOESN'T want to happen in BG is like what took place in AW many years ago. When AW matchmaking was based on Ally Prestige (NOT War Rating like they finally settled on).
    Well, a really lower team was able to make it up to TOP-3 (I believe), because they NEVER had to face any strong team along the way. They just continued to win against similarly low strength teams like they were.
  • StatureStature Member Posts: 474 ★★★

    You really don't get it. In a balanced system, a Cav wouldn't get to Plat until all the Paragons and most of the TBs got there first. As of now, there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels because of the matchmaking. that same matchmaking that propelled you to Plat is the one that are keeping Paragons in Silver and Gold.

    Unsolicited advice, but you would find people more receptive to your comments if you didn't make them so extreme. If you said the average Cav or even majority of Cavs wouldn't get to Plat until most Paragons and TBs get there first, I would completely agree with you.

    Maybe you started the game very early but roster development is not so hard currently as it was probably even 3-4 years ago. If I started a new account today, playing reasonably (an hour a day, maybe a bit more on weekends), I can easily get to Cav within 2-3 months. And I would have a top heavy roster (no hope in BG). I would then join a decent alliance (g3 in war, ma 4/5 AQ). When I'm Cav sometime in Aug, I would definitely not push through Act 6. I would rather grind Arena, side quest and EQ, maybe do some variants if crystal RNG has been good. Between Aug-Dec I would just stack up on as many units as I can. I would spend those units on CW and banquet, maybe spend a little. Between G3 in war, BG daily milestones, CW and banquet, come January 2024, I would have 30+ (more likely 50+) 6-stars, several of them at R3 and a prestige of 10-12K.

    There are many Cavs who have gone through this journey last year. The value of act 6 completion or exploration is very low for those accounts, relative to effort, time and roster investment required. Because every decision on rank up and time in game mode has an opportunity cost and it is no longer optimal to spend majority of time in story. Especially, for returning players. You aren't going to learn anything new from doing those things again.

    Matchmaking in BG, even at lower levels, is roster based at best and not title based. Those 10/11/12K rated Cavs are progressing by beating TBs and early Paragons. They are not just going 12-0, smashing small accounts like you did.

    The game has expanded and progression paths are different now. Story progression and associated titles have far lower meaning than they did years ago.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,942 ★★★★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That has nothing to do with it. It's Kabam's awful matchmaking that has propelled you to a level that you do no belong.
    Just because of my Story progression Title, doesnt mean I don't belong in Plat. I have the roster and skill to get to Cav however I choose not to at this point in time. And if we take what others are saying as truth, then the matchmaking is getting better. So my matches are (for the most part) pretty fair. I said before though that there were quite a few matches that were unfair either in my favor or in favor of my opponent. But I do have what it takes to get to Plat on the VT

    We could argue over this but i'd rather not and just move on from this aspect of the thread. Again, if you want to continue, then i'm fine with showing my deck and i'll even include my match history if you wish to see it. I do, at least in my own personal opinion, belong here in Plat tier.
    You really don't get it. In a balanced system, a Cav wouldn't get to Plat until all the Paragons and most of the TBs got there first. As of now, there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels because of the matchmaking. that same matchmaking that propelled you to Plat is the one that are keeping Paragons in Silver and Gold.
    If there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels, that's not just a case of Matchmaking. I've beaten a number of them on my way to Diamond.
  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★
    Stature said:

    You really don't get it. In a balanced system, a Cav wouldn't get to Plat until all the Paragons and most of the TBs got there first. As of now, there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels because of the matchmaking. that same matchmaking that propelled you to Plat is the one that are keeping Paragons in Silver and Gold.

    Unsolicited advice, but you would find people more receptive to your comments if you didn't make them so extreme. If you said the average Cav or even majority of Cavs wouldn't get to Plat until most Paragons and TBs get there first, I would completely agree with you.

    Maybe you started the game very early but roster development is not so hard currently as it was probably even 3-4 years ago. If I started a new account today, playing reasonably (an hour a day, maybe a bit more on weekends), I can easily get to Cav within 2-3 months. And I would have a top heavy roster (no hope in BG). I would then join a decent alliance (g3 in war, ma 4/5 AQ). When I'm Cav sometime in Aug, I would definitely not push through Act 6. I would rather grind Arena, side quest and EQ, maybe do some variants if crystal RNG has been good. Between Aug-Dec I would just stack up on as many units as I can. I would spend those units on CW and banquet, maybe spend a little. Between G3 in war, BG daily milestones, CW and banquet, come January 2024, I would have 30+ (more likely 50+) 6-stars, several of them at R3 and a prestige of 10-12K.

    There are many Cavs who have gone through this journey last year. The value of act 6 completion or exploration is very low for those accounts, relative to effort, time and roster investment required. Because every decision on rank up and time in game mode has an opportunity cost and it is no longer optimal to spend majority of time in story. Especially, for returning players. You aren't going to learn anything new from doing those things again.

    Matchmaking in BG, even at lower levels, is roster based at best and not title based. Those 10/11/12K rated Cavs are progressing by beating TBs and early Paragons. They are not just going 12-0, smashing small accounts like you did.

    The game has expanded and progression paths are different now. Story progression and associated titles have far lower meaning than they did years ago.

    The roster difference between a Paragon and a Cav is too big for skill to make up that many levels. The highly skilled Cav that can compete with the Paragons is just a myth. For someone to gain the skill and knowledge to consistently beat players who have played the game for 5+ years AND have roasters that are vastly superior to theirs would force them to progress to a higher level than Cav. No one with that amount of skill in the game is just choosing to be a Cav and earn less rewards than their skill should dictate. They may be able to beat a new Paragon in a one-off match with how RNG depended on the champ selection is, but to honestly say that they could get to Plat facing Paragons is simply a fallacy.

    I think you've created some sort of hero of the people in your head that can crush any Paragon that gets in their way, which simply does not exist. There is a reason there's a new thread every day crying about unfair matchmaking created by a Cav who reaches Plat and starts facing real matches and are crushed.

  • Ironman3000Ironman3000 Member Posts: 2,017 ★★★★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That has nothing to do with it. It's Kabam's awful matchmaking that has propelled you to a level that you do no belong.
    Just because of my Story progression Title, doesnt mean I don't belong in Plat. I have the roster and skill to get to Cav however I choose not to at this point in time. And if we take what others are saying as truth, then the matchmaking is getting better. So my matches are (for the most part) pretty fair. I said before though that there were quite a few matches that were unfair either in my favor or in favor of my opponent. But I do have what it takes to get to Plat on the VT

    We could argue over this but i'd rather not and just move on from this aspect of the thread. Again, if you want to continue, then i'm fine with showing my deck and i'll even include my match history if you wish to see it. I do, at least in my own personal opinion, belong here in Plat tier.
    You really don't get it. In a balanced system, a Cav wouldn't get to Plat until all the Paragons and most of the TBs got there first. As of now, there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels because of the matchmaking. that same matchmaking that propelled you to Plat is the one that are keeping Paragons in Silver and Gold.
    If there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels, that's not just a case of Matchmaking. I've beaten a number of them on my way to Diamond.
    I thought you said you weren't a Cav anymore.
  • GroundedWisdomGroundedWisdom Member Posts: 36,942 ★★★★★

    Why TF is a UC player in Plat 2?

    Because it's possible? I've been UC for awhile and I've just been growing my roster and got a few lucky crystals pulls. I'm happy to show my BG deck if you would like
    That has nothing to do with it. It's Kabam's awful matchmaking that has propelled you to a level that you do no belong.
    Just because of my Story progression Title, doesnt mean I don't belong in Plat. I have the roster and skill to get to Cav however I choose not to at this point in time. And if we take what others are saying as truth, then the matchmaking is getting better. So my matches are (for the most part) pretty fair. I said before though that there were quite a few matches that were unfair either in my favor or in favor of my opponent. But I do have what it takes to get to Plat on the VT

    We could argue over this but i'd rather not and just move on from this aspect of the thread. Again, if you want to continue, then i'm fine with showing my deck and i'll even include my match history if you wish to see it. I do, at least in my own personal opinion, belong here in Plat tier.
    You really don't get it. In a balanced system, a Cav wouldn't get to Plat until all the Paragons and most of the TBs got there first. As of now, there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels because of the matchmaking. that same matchmaking that propelled you to Plat is the one that are keeping Paragons in Silver and Gold.
    If there are thousands of Paragons stuck in lower levels, that's not just a case of Matchmaking. I've beaten a number of them on my way to Diamond.
    I thought you said you weren't a Cav anymore.
    I'm not. I'm TB. I'm making the statement that the way people play has more to do with it than just the Title.
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