Captain Marvel Movie

Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 804 ★★★
Hello @Kabam Porthos

Captain Marvel Movie (CMM) was my 3rd 6*, my first 6r3 and even if she is considered as has-been by the community, she remains a good champion.

Well, a nuance : she remains a good champion… only if she is not duped. She is among the very short list of weaker champions once duped.
Before awakening , she loses her binary charges only when in binary mode.
After awakening, she can lose her charges by hitting the ground by a SP.
Before her awakening she is a tank. After her awakening she is a glass champion. Clearly it is a waste and the only case that makes me wish a gem to undo the awakening.

Recently, I saw this chain that motivates my post:
She has more than 10 charges > She hits the ground (by a SP, does it works with a heavy attack?) > She gets up and immediately enters in binary mode > She loses half of her charges

Maybe I am wrong, but I suppose this loss occurs because of its delay of about 1 second after she gets up. And as she entered in binary mode immediately, it is considered as the case in her awakening ability although it should not.

Is the Dev team sure that awakened CMM works as intended?

By the way:
-How can she hit the ground as she is supposed to be Indestructible by entering in binary mode?
-Any chance to remove the loss of charges from her awakening ability? (Even if means to change something on the Indestructible)

Thank you in advance for your investigation


  • She's definitely working as intended. As long as she gets knocked down, she enters binary ignition. If a special knocks her down, she enters binary ignition first and then halves the number of ignition charges as well as removing the indestructible. It's unnecessarily confusing, but the order matters.

    But I do mostly agree with this. She absolutely does not get weaker with the dupe, as that Indestructible is easily useful enough to make the inconvenience that the awakening provides very worth it. I just don't think there's any reason for that feature to exist. She's still a decent champion in this game, but nowhere near where she once was and could possibly be made more viable and much less risky for mid level players by just getting rid of that unnecessary weakness.
  • Maverick75Maverick75 Member Posts: 804 ★★★
    edited June 2023
    Yes, the order matters:
    As described in her ability, the regular way is:
    Binary > Stroke by SP > Loss of half of the charges (and no mire Indestructible)
    The concern is:
    Stroke and ground by SP > Binary > Loss of half of the charges

    As she was not in binary mode when stroked, she should not lose the charges. Because the description says: Indestructible and half of the charges are removed. That let think it occurs only when in binary mode.
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