Is War Machine trash?

RvzRvz Member Posts: 185 ★★
Just pulled 7 star WM. I don’t feel good. I feel like it’s a disappointment after collecting 15k shards. What do you think of him? How trash is he? No trolling please.

Is War Machine trash? 135 votes

Absolutely trash
rockykostonFloorKillerApprovingAuthorityPennybutspooky 4 votes
Kinda trash
Emil_LimsonCassyMorghaxorMagonusRevenge_of_the_NerfsMalreck04dzikidzikBeeweemonomuggYcatsyücel53Ironman3000FabwiziYmtr[Deleted User]Ferahgomattyben27SuelGamesAegonTargarуenElite13 22 votes
Mid tier
Heinz11HendrossRbk19MaxtheSilentChristosThgforcefanHungaryHippoWhoDaPooEwell65SSS69AMS94RenaxqqBeastDadChiliDogRohit_316PuttPuttThēMandalorianEggs3_0SUPREME77SirGamesBondMrSakuragi 37 votes
Above mid tier
SnakeEyes69DrZolaBitterSteelSecondSkrillerMagrailothosbm3eppsCsuttonAmir447Kerneasrcm2017Sachhyam257ObiNuggKenobiSbkruebAgent_Tpsp742MauledGiantwalrus56JJCrush21W32Go_To 36 votes
He is actually great
Kermit528Spity68KaruseusyossSundance_2099evilKINGwilsonCat_MurdockShadowstrikeGarlocane47CyborgNinja135pseudosaneTheAngryOneRookiiePikolu_Sham_jaymania82ZeezoosMr.0-8-4Blackshadow0203 35 votes
He is one of my dream pulls
Thejay27 1 vote


  • Rohit_316Rohit_316 Member Posts: 3,417 ★★★★★
    Mid tier
    Don't see people using him anywhere but he is decent .
  • SligSlig Member Posts: 427 ★★★
    I still remember the days that i used a 4* of him with Hawkeye for a perfect block team.
  • KerneasKerneas Member Posts: 3,884 ★★★★★
    Above mid tier
    I'd call him a supporter - his prefights are helpful and he can do some work on his own as well.
  • BeastDadBeastDad Member Posts: 2,169 ★★★★★
    Mid tier
    Not horrible, but not awesome. He is the definition of mid.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Mid tier
    Not complete trash, but not very useful either
    There's no place where he shines....not even the long form content for which he was advertised
    The utility is not great
    Damage burst is accessible only after an exhausting ramp-up
    Many champs can give similar damage output without going through so much hassle

    If he had more consistent damage even if lowered by about 20-25%, with meaningful pieces of utility, he might have had a place in the contest

    Currently he's just a champ that very few people like
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,278 ★★★★
    Above mid tier
    AMS94 said:

    Not complete trash, but not very useful either
    There's no place where he shines....not even the long form content for which he was advertised
    The utility is not great
    Damage burst is accessible only after an exhausting ramp-up
    Many champs can give similar damage output without going through so much hassle

    If he had more consistent damage even if lowered by about 20-25%, with meaningful pieces of utility, he might have had a place in the contest

    Currently he's just a champ that very few people like

    Exhausting ramp up???? He hits like a train after 2 sp2s wdym?
  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Mid tier

    AMS94 said:

    Not complete trash, but not very useful either
    There's no place where he shines....not even the long form content for which he was advertised
    The utility is not great
    Damage burst is accessible only after an exhausting ramp-up
    Many champs can give similar damage output without going through so much hassle

    If he had more consistent damage even if lowered by about 20-25%, with meaningful pieces of utility, he might have had a place in the contest

    Currently he's just a champ that very few people like

    Exhausting ramp up???? He hits like a train after 2 sp2s wdym?
    What? He needs Sp3s.
  • Sachhyam257Sachhyam257 Member Posts: 1,278 ★★★★
    edited June 2023
    Above mid tier

    AMS94 said:

    Not complete trash, but not very useful either
    There's no place where he shines....not even the long form content for which he was advertised
    The utility is not great
    Damage burst is accessible only after an exhausting ramp-up
    Many champs can give similar damage output without going through so much hassle

    If he had more consistent damage even if lowered by about 20-25%, with meaningful pieces of utility, he might have had a place in the contest

    Currently he's just a champ that very few people like

    Exhausting ramp up???? He hits like a train after 2 sp2s wdym?
    What? He needs Sp3s.
    Dude if u have a 7* WM like OP here, 2 sp2s give u enough dmg to take down most BG level healthpools.
  • Vance2_jrVance2_jr Member Posts: 788 ★★★★
    Above mid tier
    2 sp2s, a heavy, sp3. Game ova.
  • pseudosanepseudosane Member, Guardian Posts: 4,071 Guardian
    He is actually great
    Try him out and you'll be surprised
  • MagrailothosMagrailothos Member Posts: 6,201 ★★★★★
    Above mid tier
    He's definitely decent - maybe not great, but good for a lot of stuff. The Prowess removal, Prefights and Unevadeable Specials come in very handy.

    I pulled him as my second 7*, and I'm more than happy with him.

    He doesn't need his full rotation (including an SP3) in a lot of content - two SP2s gives you a total Armour Break of -7300, which boasts his damage output a lot. And if you can land the occasional Heavy to refresh them, you can keep those armour breaks up permanently; even if the opponent is tending to turtle up a bit.

    But, if the fight is still going on, you can then maximise his damage with an SP3 to give you three Fury passives each giving you about +50% Attack. But personally I rarely get that far into his rotation

    Also, being a 7* makes a big difference as they have 130% Combat Power rating; so you can throw those Specials more easily.

    Here's a few links to give you some hope, and an idea what you can do with him:
  • 007Bishop007Bishop Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    He is actually great
    He's solid. People that consider him mid are the same people who want every champ to have CGR's level of damage and accessibility which defeats the purpose of the game.
  • AMS94AMS94 Member Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    Mid tier
    Dude if u have a 7* WM like OP here, 2 sp2s give u enough dmg to take down most BG level healthpools.

    He is neither a defender nor offers any meaningful utility
    Even the damage u talk about comes only after 2 Sp2s, which means he will struggle to finish fights under 60-70 seconds

    Keeping all that in mind, the only way he would find a place in someone's BG deck is if the player doesn't have a well developed roster & WM is one of their early 7*
    A player will have him in their deck only when they are out of options

    As I said, he is not complete trash for newer or lesser developed accounts, but thinking that he holds any value in current state of the game is being delusional
    It's fine if u like a champ, but it's not fine to overvalue them while giving honest advise to other players
  • RookiieRookiie Member Posts: 4,821 ★★★★★
    He is actually great
    War Machine has been a staple in my Act 7 and 8 exploration teams.
    He’s my 3rd choice Tech champ behind Nimrod and iDoom.

    1) He’s tanky.
    2) He’s got Armour Up which is good for Havok.
    3) Special attacks ignore Evade.
    4) Decent power control with Suppression.
    5) Suppression debuffs remove Prowess buffs.
    6) Deals Rupture which is quite niche.
    7) Simple rotation.
    8) SP2s deal Armour Break & Heavy refreshes them.
    9) Hits like a truck with SP2-SP2-SP3 rotation.
    10) Potent Regen & Fury with sig, durable.
    11) Pre-fight ability is insane & can be applied to any Tech champ.

    What’s not to love?
  • Mr.0-8-4Mr.0-8-4 Member Posts: 508 ★★★
    He is actually great
    If you know how his rotation works, he's actually a good champ to have on your team. He's not as quick as CGR in the damage department but once you have him ramped up, he's pretty decent.
  • Karatemike415Karatemike415 Member, Administrator, Content Creators Posts: 723 Content Creator
    He's actually a very solid Champ with great damage & lots of utility, the only thing is that he takes a bit of ramp to get going.

    Who knows, he may be very useful for future long form content - especially as a 7 star.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    edited August 2023
    He is actually great
    What is the OP even talking about? War Machine is a great champ! Mutant counter, high damage, tanky, and especially his prefights
  • psp742psp742 Member Posts: 2,714 ★★★★
    Above mid tier
    War Machine is mid-tier.. his armor is pretty solid but if it is removed from any source; be it from node or nullified by a champions ability.. he isn't able to restore the armor.. which is probably his weakness.
  • EdisonLawEdisonLaw Member Posts: 9,718 ★★★★★
    He is actually great
    psp742 said:

    War Machine is mid-tier.. his armor is pretty solid but if it is removed from any source; be it from node or nullified by a champions ability.. he isn't able to restore the armor.. which is probably his weakness.

    Yeah that can be annoying. Maybe they should fix it by allowing it to come back after 10 seconds
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