8.3 Beta Rewards, not there?

In game message says we will be getting placeholders called 6-star hero crystal shards, but on completion of a quest I only received 1 gold.
Is there something missing here too?
Is there something missing here too?
EDIT: I haven't entered the beta server yet so I could be wrong
I think 1 gold just goes to your pool of gold.
i did 1 quest already, not gonna go any further until i get what i was promised.
Should be sorted shortly, as far as I understand it!
just logged on to see for myself and i didn’t even get the gold placeholder for one run lmao
I own one of these only
Even though I have completed 5 quests
for instance Using Venompool SP3 vs Vulture in the first quest does not lose power. Just had to cycle/spam SP3 to finish the match.