Hawkeye & Kate Bishop, how is the student so much better than the Master?

Hello. I recently got back to the game from a few months break. In catching up with the new champs i.e. watching videos and reading their descriptions, I'm honestly taken aback by how underwhelming Kate makes Hawkeye look. Considering he mentored her & taught her about his trick arrows, Hawkeye should be almost as good as her if not better in game. Almost never (if ever) in the history of Master and Student has the latter bested the former. For instance Batman-Robin, Green Arrow-Red Arrow (I used DC as there are very few similar Marvel examples), etc. It's just my two cents because being a fan of Hawkeye it saddens me, he is honestly average in the game and I'm forced to not rank him up at my level due to his very limited abilities. But maybe it's just me, what do you think?
The in-game fiction explanation is that the champions are pulled from various alternate realities and from different times. The Hawkeye in the game doesn't even have to be the one that ultimately trained Kate Bishop. He isn't necessarily the same 616 Hawkeye from the comics, or the MCU Hawkeye. He's a variant specific to the Battlerealm. Furthermore, every champion in the Battlerealm is empowered by ISO-8. ISO-8 is the residue life force of a Celestial, and functions analogously to the Power Cosmic in the Marvel 616 universe. In other words, as Galactus in 616 can empower his heralds with the power cosmic, so does every champion in the Battlerealm get empowered with ISO-8, increasing their abilities in non-proportional ways. This is how the Punisher can take on Dormammu.
For game design reason and for in-game Marvel fiction reasons, the power levels of the champions on Battlerealm are not automatically identical to or proportional to what their related entities have in the 616 universe. They are their own thing.
Its their decision and I dont know what other factors they consider for kit design.
Some students are gonna surpass the masters
Dr. Zola
for example, out of all the #GODS in mcoc why only Herc has immortality? why not thor, odin, hela, heimdall?? herc is not even a full olympian god himself but got immortality.. the point is not everything has to make sense, they just have to be convenient.
There is no issue with a student surpassing the master as is with some of the examples you guys have given, but in this specific case it shouldn't be that the student is so great yet the master is so average.