Plat 2 pushing Plat 1, Bgs Top 25 searching for a few

Greetings. We are a Plat 2 alliance pushing Plat 1 and Top 25 Bgs alliance looking for a few serious players to join after rewards drop. Aq is easy Map 5 to focus on war and bgs. Bg2 & 3 are solid, we just have a few bad apples in Bg1 holding us back that need replacing. Kindly only contact me if you're serious.
*16k Prestige minimum
*Flexible on timezone as long you're active and communicate well
*At least 14+ rank 6 star r4s and 7 stars
*Willingness to rank up champions to help with war
*Must have line
*Must meet our minimum bgs score
Contact me on line app here: eugenemcoc
*16k Prestige minimum
*Flexible on timezone as long you're active and communicate well
*At least 14+ rank 6 star r4s and 7 stars
*Willingness to rank up champions to help with war
*Must have line
*Must meet our minimum bgs score
Contact me on line app here: eugenemcoc
Line id: eugenemcoc
Line id: eugenemcoc
*Top 25 bgs
*High Plat 2 pushing Plat 1
*Chilled Map 5 Aq
Please add me in line if interested: eugenemcoc