Guardian or Kitty?

winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,294 ★★★★★
Buying time before attempting Act 7.2.6.

Guardian or Kitty? 30 votes

Spity68TerraChrisPowelliDestroyerZKnightOfTheRealmICanSeeUranus 6 votes
Wu_Bangerz23AnthinhoLordSmasherAyden_noah1RenaxqqBe_SomebodyGiantwalrus56Ben_15455[Deleted User]raviXsharmaSearmenisSUPREME77Mario_ClarLBN1willrun4adonutShake_a_QuakeAnsh_ANinjadestructerDarkChamp732bigger_daddy 24 votes


  • JohnTargaryenJohnTargaryen Member Posts: 120
    You already know 🙄
  • DarkChamp732DarkChamp732 Member Posts: 86
    Literally same bro, im just procrastinating 7.2.6 rn
  • ChrisPowellChrisPowell Member Posts: 159
    Do them both
  • LordSmasherLordSmasher Member Posts: 1,617 ★★★★★
    Easily one of the best champs against Gwenmaster. Take Emma for the reverse controls part and you have a super easy life.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,079 ★★★
    I didn't understand all the Kitty hype until I finally pulled her as a 6 star and had one worth ranking up.....and awakened she's simply broken. I could never get on board with her being the consensus number one mutant champ but after having her on my own account for a few weeks and actually seeing her real potential in almost EVERY piece of content In the game I now get it.....she's by far the best mutant in the game.....there's a few champs like that in the game. You don't and can't fully understand their full potential from watching YouTube have to actually get your hands on a high level one and see for yourself. Kitty, Rintrah and iron doom are the 3 that immediately come to mind.
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