I accidently made a new account with my maind accounts email and now i cant log back in my main

Hey @Kabam Miike i need your help ,recently i got logged outnof my main account by accident and then created a new account with my mains email id ,now whenever i login to the game it takes me to the baby account and not my main ,i raised several tickets but the team kept saying " the information provided to our security qurstions are incorrect" i dont know how to fix this and i want really want my main account back ,i have proof of ownership
Now i just want to log in back to my main and delete the newly made account
same result mate
this is already my second account ,first one got hacked ,if i loose this i will be just shattered will never continue again
Why can they not just give you the instructions to recover your account? It gets frustrating when you have to change phones cause the phone you have no longer will do an update or you change phone for a technical problem. Then when you try to log in, you get a whole new account started and get a run around to get to your old account.
And the other is just me thinking out loud.
I can sympathize potentially losing my main account… sadly I have no idea how you would convince Kabam that it is your account; in this cynical world, that could be just what someone who bought an account would say. You have the same forum name as on the account, I’m assuming that’s a good thing?
As frustrating as it is, your best bet is to work with the support team.
My suggestion would be to go through your payments every year and note down those dates — maybe nothing, but that’s how I found out my spending, it was so small, and was probably a gift card, which is why it slipped my mind.