6* Bishop good?
Member Posts: 601 ★★★★
So I just pulled this guy and I don’t have a lot of 6*. I used to play back in the day and he was very meh. From reading some comments around here it seems like he’s actually pretty good now. I tried looking through his updated spotlight but I feel like they don’t make the updates very easy to ascertain. Is this pull a win?
The updated spotlight is here: https://forums.playcontestofchampions.com/en/discussion/271051/champion-spotlight-bishop-2021-update/p1
Essentially the big differences between new and old Bishop:
1 - You used to be able to make him self-destruct by pushing him into Overload. Now if he overloads, it's his opponent who takes the hit.
2 - He's got new abilities to deal with Skill champs who purify; especially Stun debuffs. It may not sound like much, but this is really useful...
3 - He used to just gain health by consuming Prowess; now he gains actual regeneration buffs. This makes him a monster in certain modes (like Thronebreaker EQ) although it can be an issue against Mystics.
4 - Steady Release now inflicts Incinerate debuffs instead of just burst Energy damage.
Definitely a good pull - get to know him and you'll have fun.
Oh, and those synergies that let him start with a bar of Power? They stack....
Pulling him is definitely a win.
Oh.. he is also good on defense if without the right person to counter him ..
He also has passive stuns if a Skill champion purifies the regular stun debuff, which is nice.
He's also a nightmare on defense, if that matters to you. I personally have my 6* Bishop at r4 and he would have been my first 6r5 Mutant if I had pulled a Mutant gem from the Carina's Challenges 3 rewards.