Who's the Better Tech Champ Out of These?

TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★

Who's the Better Tech Champ Out of These? 137 votes

bhuv9191nelly22Joey0480Wakandas_FinestManup456Vegeta9001Terrabm3eppscaptaincushCsuttonBluestoneCassyHarit_kumarLogan00Sachhyam257LiquidkoldMoosetiptronicCr7ms7rs7FloorKillert123459 100 votes
Infamous Iron Man
MasterSmokeSpity68Wu_Bangerz23Chancla13hi_im_sirLONERANGER_141Asheepiedino 7 votes
ShawnShazimphillgreenLuke9523LordSmasherVbnmeTheExit27Be_SomebodyWinterFieldsAshacekarNikunj_95Norman_OroLBN1endgamelockedFantomaxopGoJohnnyGoGoGoGoHatsumomoWindows10JustWantTheRewards 18 votes
Ant-Man (Future)
MagicBentondzikidzikyücel53CdjcdkjFurrymoosenBen_15455AzenstarThe_Sentry06ILoveDrDoomorpimeSMeatbagFryzernix 12 votes


  • KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Member Posts: 956 ★★★
    Nimrod Warlock Antman iDoom in that order
  • CdjcdkjCdjcdkj Member Posts: 126 ★★
    Ant-Man (Future)
    If your looking for best defense and attack it would ant man future but for just attack nimrod
  • OrtounOrtoun Member Posts: 955 ★★★★
    iDoom is an amazing counter for bishop or havok, he was my go to for getting to superior Kang with minimal effort on the tech/armor path. That said, Nimrod is just a generally better mutant killer. Can't really speak to antman, and while I love warlock, I would usually take doom or Nimrod over him in most cases.
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Depends on your usage. If you're seeking a mutant class destroyer, Nimrod is the way to go.

    If you want utility all around, Warlock is your best choice.

    Difficult defender/armor up champ? Future Antman

    Prowess remover/ power burn champ? Infamous Ironman.

    You're correct that each of these guys shine in different content (or in different situations).

    I find it a bit funny that iDoom got ZERO votes. I find him the trickiest to use. I'm not a big fan of keeping the defender at high energy. The AI will often find a way to screw me over somehow and smash me with an sp3. There's also the extremely high chance that the AI will play incredibly passive. Don't get me wrong, when things work smoothly in his favor iDoom can be a beast.

    I also don't know Ant-Man well enough, but he has some pretty useful utility. I need to learn his rotation to see what everyone loves about him... besides his obvious defensive usefulness.

    Nimrod and Warlock have always been my favorite techs... Warlock is fun to play, Nimrod is fun to punish with.
  • TheExit27TheExit27 Member Posts: 714 ★★★
    LOL! Nice one @Spity68
  • zernixzernix Member Posts: 82
    Ant-Man (Future)
    TheExit27 said:

    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Depends on your usage. If you're seeking a mutant class destroyer, Nimrod is the way to go.

    If you want utility all around, Warlock is your best choice.

    Difficult defender/armor up champ? Future Antman

    Prowess remover/ power burn champ? Infamous Ironman.

    I find it a bit funny that iDoom got ZERO votes. I find him the trickiest to use. I'm not a big fan of keeping the defender at high energy. The AI will often find a way to screw me over somehow and smash me with an sp3. There's also the extremely high chance that the AI will play incredibly passive. Don't get me wrong, when things work smoothly in his favor iDoom can be a beast.
    My main issue with iDoom is he feels like he only really counters Bishop. He can do some other mutants but Nimrod literally does all of them better, and can do Mags.
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Infamous Iron Man
    Ortoun said:

    iDoom is an amazing counter for bishop or havok, he was my go to for getting to superior Kang with minimal effort on the tech/armor path. That said, Nimrod is just a generally better mutant killer. Can't really speak to antman, and while I love warlock, I would usually take doom or Nimrod over him in most cases.

    I have a r4 idoom and I had even more fun doing that path with a r3 unawakened warlock. It was so much fun . He absolutely shredded that path. Only paths I can think of that was more fun was the path I took with Angela leading up to gwenmaster maybe??? And then 7.2.3 also with Angela. I always forget the name of the node but it's the one where u start taking damage at 15 fury and you get a fury every hit basically ......it's what Angela was made for. Free furies....no damage lol
  • Wu_Bangerz23Wu_Bangerz23 Member Posts: 1,086 ★★★
    Infamous Iron Man
    zernix said:

    TheExit27 said:

    Mr.0-8-4 said:

    Depends on your usage. If you're seeking a mutant class destroyer, Nimrod is the way to go.

    If you want utility all around, Warlock is your best choice.

    Difficult defender/armor up champ? Future Antman

    Prowess remover/ power burn champ? Infamous Ironman.

    I find it a bit funny that iDoom got ZERO votes. I find him the trickiest to use. I'm not a big fan of keeping the defender at high energy. The AI will often find a way to screw me over somehow and smash me with an sp3. There's also the extremely high chance that the AI will play incredibly passive. Don't get me wrong, when things work smoothly in his favor iDoom can be a beast.
    My main issue with iDoom is he feels like he only really counters Bishop. He can do some other mutants but Nimrod literally does all of them better, and can do Mags.
    He does more once you get used to him. I love seeing someone drop a magneto thinking I won't use idoom....it's usually about a 30 seconds fight. I have both idoom, omega sent and nimrod at r3 and up and use idoom by far the most.
  • Norman_OroNorman_Oro Member Posts: 63
    edited August 2023
    I guess this is an older thread, but my weapon-of-choice among these would be Warlock. Nimrod is a very close second. He and Infamous Iron Man are really fun to play; and both bring a lot to a fight. I don't have an Ant-Man (Future), but he seems cool also. Nevertheless, Warlock just seems to get the job done against a wider array of opponents in a wider range of situations.
  • coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Member Posts: 322 ★★★
    Nimrod for mutant domination. Future ant man for overall usage.
  • A_FungiA_Fungi Member Posts: 1,029 ★★★★
    I didn't vote, because I don't think there is one clear answer.

    I don't have iDoom... so I can't speak to him much, but if you want prestige, he's for sure the way to go.

    I have Nimrod and Future antman at R4, warlock at R3

    Nimrod is by far the easiest champ to use and he is so much more than a mutant killer, If it can be shocked, he kills it quickly. If it can't be shocked, pair him with Omega (also R4) and he will kill it quickly.

    Fantaman is a better defender and isn't perma-banned this AW season. He can also take some fights that Nimrod cant and has access to some pretty crazy damage.

    At the end of the day, level who you use the most and you won't be wrong.
  • Manup456Manup456 Member Posts: 890 ★★★★
    Nimrod is the best but FAM is faster on offense against other classes outside of mutants and more versatile and fun to play.
  • Mknight123Mknight123 Member Posts: 278 ★★★
    Nimrod is the mutant destroyer, but I don't have him however I do have iron doom, and iron doom does destroy mutants aswell so yeh while nimrod is a great mutant killer, iron doom is a great mutant killer for me so I doom is 2nd in mutant killings for me.
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