Back Issues Still Relevant?

I’m still trying to learn what tier champions are still relevant. The game has changed so much in the 2+ years I’ve been gone and it seems like 5* shards are plentiful and I even have 3 6* and have just recently only become uncollected. I’m trying to gauge next steps in my progression (other than trying to collect all the champs I want which is going to take a ton of time). Are 5* still pretty relevant in the game? Is there mostly just a heavy focus on 6* now? I remember Back Issues being extremely nice to grow rosters and rank them up but I’m wondering if it’s worth investing the time and items to get those completed.
Any suggestions would be welcome. I’m level 43 (so can only do the Ultron Back Issue until I hit 45) and have explored through Act 4 and completed through 5.3.2 if that helps gauge where I’m at in the game. I appreciate your help in getting me acclimated to the new environment.
Any suggestions would be welcome. I’m level 43 (so can only do the Ultron Back Issue until I hit 45) and have explored through Act 4 and completed through 5.3.2 if that helps gauge where I’m at in the game. I appreciate your help in getting me acclimated to the new environment.
I'd also say besides everest content, the Ultron variant was some of my least enjoyable content. Act 7 and 8 are easier imo, and act 6 you just have to get out of the way.