6.1.5 Crossbones Help

Hey all. I was trying to make my way through 6.1 to become Cavalier and I remember how much of a pain this Crossbones boss is. Biohazard and Vigor with 400k HP just for starters. I was looking through my roster to see if I had anything I felt could take him on and I realized I’m very short on bleed immune champs. I was wondering if I might have something that could potentially counter him in a creative way but I’m still struggling. I was thinking I could try taking up Apocalypse since he eventually goes bleed immune. Cap Falcon lowers bleed accuracy with his armor ups and can put a heal block on CB with his L1 and WM synergy, but CB can shrug it. I was considering ranking up Falcon because I believe his lock on can bypass Biohazard but then I would still have to deal with vigor. Can I do it with this roster (without Unitman) or will I just need to wait for a better champ? Any tips would be greatly appreciated!

Then again, KP was 6r3 so I just outdamaged him. Anyway, that combo will get you through a lot of act 6.
Apocalypse could also work since he becomes bleed immune after bleeding for (I think) 10 seconds. His debuffs should also stick on Crossbones unless I misremember some node, which is nice.
Is this the Crossbones you are talking about? If so, I see no Biohazard or Vigor.
If this is the case, Apocalypse might not help with this. Kingpin with Hood for sure will help