Cavalier lost player

LologolasLologolas Member Posts: 17
Hello everyone !

I recently got Cavalier, I have some god tier 6 stars in my roster , with 5R5 and 6R2. However, the game is a bit boring right now as I struggle to get enough resources to rank up my champs and therefore I don’t know what content to do next aside from the EQ each month… T5 basic are fine but GOLD is extremely hard for me to get, do you have any tips or goals that I could set up for myself ?


  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 2,119 ★★★★
    Your best option for gold is to grind the arenas. It's not the most fun aspect of the game but it gives you lots of gold, battlechips and units.
  • Death33Death33 Member Posts: 110 ★★
    Arena is great for gold. Also incursions, great gold there.
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