Lady Deathstrike Event Feedback

We were given 4* versions of several other champs recently so why only give 2 and 3* Lady Deathstrike today? I don’t know the last time I’ve used a 2 or 3* champ for anything in the game.
And more frustratingly, why oh why do we have an objective to do 10 duel fights? Not even any specific target, just 10 random duel fights. Duels are cumbersome as it is and requiring 10 is forcing us to take 2 days or spend units to complete it. If you’re going to continue pushing us to use duels, can you at least make the search better? Give us a way to find specific champs to duel or at least a way to filter by top champ PI. Otherwise it’s just a bunch of us entering random stuff in the search until someone posts an easy target with a low level champ when there is a target in an objective. This will just be me typing some nonsense and fighting the first account I can take with a 3*r2 champ.
There are so many game modes. Why can’t we just let duels be a fallback? Please don’t force us into it if it’s not going to be improved.
I just continue to feel like the game team is out of touch with player expectations and player experience. This hardly feels like a celebration of a big milestone to me. I enjoy the game, I want it to be exciting to log I for these kinds of things. This just fell flat for me at a time the game is full of a lot of other issues. Between AW issues, ongoing cheating, BG issues with last seasons rewards and this seasons launch, and all the other issues, this was a chance for a small win but I think it was a miss.
And I know, I sound entitled, they didn’t have to give us anything, and I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to…
And more frustratingly, why oh why do we have an objective to do 10 duel fights? Not even any specific target, just 10 random duel fights. Duels are cumbersome as it is and requiring 10 is forcing us to take 2 days or spend units to complete it. If you’re going to continue pushing us to use duels, can you at least make the search better? Give us a way to find specific champs to duel or at least a way to filter by top champ PI. Otherwise it’s just a bunch of us entering random stuff in the search until someone posts an easy target with a low level champ when there is a target in an objective. This will just be me typing some nonsense and fighting the first account I can take with a 3*r2 champ.
There are so many game modes. Why can’t we just let duels be a fallback? Please don’t force us into it if it’s not going to be improved.
I just continue to feel like the game team is out of touch with player expectations and player experience. This hardly feels like a celebration of a big milestone to me. I enjoy the game, I want it to be exciting to log I for these kinds of things. This just fell flat for me at a time the game is full of a lot of other issues. Between AW issues, ongoing cheating, BG issues with last seasons rewards and this seasons launch, and all the other issues, this was a chance for a small win but I think it was a miss.
And I know, I sound entitled, they didn’t have to give us anything, and I don’t have to do it if I don’t want to…
This is what I do for random duels.
Basically, if you claim the 2 and 3 star champion you DO LIKE this event and actively participate in the celebration.
Your voice/feedback here doesn't matter because... just re-read the first paragraph.
You can't say everything that he said is a lie, because Kabam Jax said this (below) about buying things. But at the same time I don't think they look at if we claim a bunch of stuff for an event using a 2* and 3* so I see both sides.
"*spritz spritz*
Cool down in this thread, please. Keep you opinions on the game, not each other.
This deal may not appeal to you, and that's fine. Or you might want this trophy champ, that's fine too.
In terms of Kabam "hearing the playerbase" - We are astutely aware of what summoners think of most aspects of our game. However, internal data will always speak louder than words in the forum; the team is constantly monitoring response in this way.
In short, if no one is buying, we conclude Summoners were not a fan. If you don't like the offer, ignoring it gives the team the data they need; not every offer is for every Summoner."
To duel, you have to (1) tap the bottom left corner, (2) tap search, (3) tap the search bar, (4) tap the keyboard, (5) tap search or hit return, (6) click on the User's icon specifically, (7) Click duel, (8) click continue, (9) select your champion, (10) click start.
The game is nice to us since after the fight, it remains in the Search screen after the fight. So for the next 4 duels, you only have to do steps #3-#10.
But, since you have to do 10 duels, you have to again go through steps #1-#10 the next day, and then steps #3-#10 for the next 4 duels.
One quick fix could be if Kabam added a "Recent Duel" search result that is already populated after your fight, then you only have to do steps #6-10 the subsequent fights.
At the end of the day, this is a very minor gripe, and I would prefer that Kabam focuses its effort on resolving the major bugs that constantly impact gameplay. But no one can reasonably deny that the Duel system has room for improvement.
NoOnexRO - I'm not sure you know but Kabam have internal tracking triggers "stuff" and everything they sell or everything they release is based on rigorous analysis and intense studies.
Basically, if you claim the 2 and 3 star champion you DO LIKE this event and actively participate in the celebration.
Your voice/feedback here doesn't matter because... just re-read the first paragraph.
Demonzfyre - Do no listen to this person. Everything said in this, is a lie.
TripleB - You can't say everything that he said is a lie, because Kabam Jax said this (below) about buying things. But at the same time I don't think they look at if we claim a bunch of stuff for an event using a 2* and 3* so I see both sides.
Kabam Jax - "*spritz spritz*
Cool down in this thread, please. Keep you opinions on the game, not each other.
This deal may not appeal to you, and that's fine. Or you might want this trophy champ, that's fine too.
In terms of Kabam "hearing the playerbase" - We are astutely aware of what summoners think of most aspects of our game. However, internal data will always speak louder than words in the forum; the team is constantly monitoring response in this way.
In short, if no one is buying, we conclude Summoners were not a fan. If you don't like the offer, ignoring it gives the team the data they need; not every offer is for every Summoner."
Neither comment has anything to do with each other. Jax's comment is in regards to offers like Thanos being 6k units. That person's comments talking about claiming a 2 and 3* champion. They are not the same. Claiming champions from an in-game message doesn't have any impact on whether they'll give us new champs like that in the future because Kabam has been doing this for years already.