Incusions cheese

So just came across 2 incursion hacks/buffs in particular
1. +4% attack for each buff champion has
2. +4% attack for each debuff on opponents

But then there's 2 champion the i laid my eyes on

1. galan (4 buffs in 3 hit combo) upto 200
2. Shuri (5 debuffs in a parry and 5 hit combo) upto 200

With those 2 buff and these 2 champ incusions would be really easy

I don't have any of these chap but if anyone has these 2 can you test it out I would love to see it...😁👍


  • Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Member Posts: 7,470 ★★★★★
    There are a lot of champs that benefit from that buffs hack. Prowess champs like Bishop, Mags, Storm. They can stack a lot of buffs so as long as it is not "unique" buffs they get a lot of bonus.
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