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R4 scorp or spot and why?

Which one is the better choice? I can take both to a high sig, both are awakened and low sig right now.

R4 scorp or spot and why? 85 votes

RaganatorbenshbbuffajrTendersquadzuffySIlverProfessorManup456ThatGuyYouSaw235BluestoneSw0rdMasterrockykostontusharNairCyborg17dzikidzikFloorKillerSpaddictedLuke9523Powerofpain1001GreekhitCtfz35 72 votes
Spity68Vegeta9001rcm2017Logan00Barrier ReefSCP1504PikoluOmedennBen_15455AzenstarMusha27The_only_leaderSpect 13 votes


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    coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Posts: 322 ★★★
    unless you only do bgs and even then I’d still do scorp. Also he doesn’t need high sig.
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    zernixzernix Posts: 82
    Scorp just has way more utility, and is actually a pretty annoying defender if they don't have a great counter.
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    BigBlueOxBigBlueOx Posts: 1,649 ★★★★★
    With the scoring changes to BGs he’s officially a stronger BG champ than Spot now, and that was the only game mode where Spot had an edge. Both are great mind you but Scorpion’s only competitor in the class is HT
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,585 ★★★★★
    I’d do torch over spot.
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    AMS94AMS94 Posts: 1,776 ★★★★★
    edited July 2023
    Bcoz better
    Also there's no need to take him to higher sig
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,007 ★★★★★
    Isnt spot faster /better defender in BG’s thsn scorp? Or is it because time is less important for scoring and spot needs to take a lot of block damage?
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    BeastDadBeastDad Posts: 1,585 ★★★★★
    Polygon said:

    Isnt spot faster /better defender in BG’s thsn scorp? Or is it because time is less important for scoring and spot needs to take a lot of block damage?

    He is for this month, but he’s still not even remotely as good as scorp anywhere else.
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    KnightOfTheRealmKnightOfTheRealm Posts: 915 ★★★
    Kind of off topic from this thread but I am able to take five champs to r4, or three champs to r4 and a r5 next week.

    I have an sig 60 absorbing man, sig 200 future antman, sig 1 scorpion, and an sig 10 spot that I’m considering. Once the BG store resets I’ll be able to take a tech champ to r5. Should I r4 scorp, absman, and antman and take antman to r5?
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    PolygonPolygon Posts: 4,007 ★★★★★
    Ben_15455 said:

    Scorpion is overrated in my opinion. Well that saying I don't know how to use him but he's still overrated

    Makes sense

    Jokes aside more people have trouble with him on BG’s defense then against spot and some might argue his value on attack in BGs might also be more now given the change in scoring on time and health now (since spot needs to take block damage in order to get his quick kills whereas scorpion has high block proficiency). Keep in mind 7 stars have block penetration
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★

    Kind of off topic from this thread but I am able to take five champs to r4, or three champs to r4 and a r5 next week.

    I have an sig 60 absorbing man, sig 200 future antman, sig 1 scorpion, and an sig 10 spot that I’m considering. Once the BG store resets I’ll be able to take a tech champ to r5. Should I r4 scorp, absman, and antman and take antman to r5?

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    Emilia90Emilia90 Posts: 2,551 ★★★★★
    Ben_15455 said:

    Scorpion is overrated in my opinion. Well that saying I don't know how to use him but he's still overrated

    He’s loaded with utility and damage and he also has decent defensive potential. Easily the top of the science class
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,043 Guardian
    Even if you rank scorpion, sig up spot, makes him much better
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