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Did I cheat??

I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★

Bero would probably report me for cheating...


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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    edited July 2023

    Taking a minute and a half and losing a third of your health is not the sign of a good cheater, LOL.

    I need to improve to get that 200k hit faster
    I think I need to update my mods
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    For anyone thinking that I modded, it's just a Zemo thing
    He gains 1 fury for each debuff purified and NF had 38 bleeds before his LMD died and I parried him once, baited heavy and did a 175k crit with 39 furies...
    So no it isn't a mod
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    Cyborg17Cyborg17 Posts: 115
    No. You simply cast an sp3 after Fury's 2nd life which cleared all debuffs, giving you plenty of furies.
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    GogiGogi Posts: 471 ★★★
    I think bero would report everybody he meets, he is just grumpy not sure why though.
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    PikoluPikolu Posts: 7,023 Guardian

    For anyone thinking that I modded, it's just a Zemo thing
    He gains 1 fury for each debuff purified and NF had 38 bleeds before his LMD died and I parried him once, baited heavy and did a 175k crit with 39 furies...
    So no it isn't a mod

    Enjoy that for the 1 more month you can do that. Zemos rebalance update is August
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★
    The only resolution to cheating is to keep submitting tickets when you suspect cheating. Being a douche about it on the forums or in other social media does nothing but vent your spleen.
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★

    The only resolution to cheating is to keep submitting tickets when you suspect cheating. Being a douche about it on the forums or in other social media does nothing but vent your spleen.

    I disagree here. If nobody posted about it I wouldn’t be aware of how rampant cheating is or what to look for. Raising awareness is important. Some people take it a bit far but I do think it’s valuable for people to share what they are seeing so the rest of the community knows what’s going on.
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    SirGamesBondSirGamesBond Posts: 4,486 ★★★★★
    I wish no tales were told.
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    TitoBandito187TitoBandito187 Posts: 2,072 ★★★★

    The only resolution to cheating is to keep submitting tickets when you suspect cheating. Being a douche about it on the forums or in other social media does nothing but vent your spleen.

    I disagree here. If nobody posted about it I wouldn’t be aware of how rampant cheating is or what to look for. Raising awareness is important. Some people take it a bit far but I do think it’s valuable for people to share what they are seeing so the rest of the community knows what’s going on.
    Yup. Pretty much every YouTuber does this and the content they decide to put out on their own channel is their prerogative. However, as a content consumer, it's up to each person to decide to watch it, or not - no one is forcing anyone to participate in that content.

    Let's not set personal standards for people's social media content with a "rules for thee and not me" mindset. No offense @Colinwhitworth69 but you literally have some of your own venting here on the forum and name calling isn't exactly a noble characteristic if you're attempting to take the high road.

    Personally, I think Beroman's videos are eye opening about the BGs issues. He opens tickets to report them and he puts out his perspective of the issue. Not a single cheater should get any sympathy.
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    Colinwhitworth69Colinwhitworth69 Posts: 7,249 ★★★★★

    The only resolution to cheating is to keep submitting tickets when you suspect cheating. Being a douche about it on the forums or in other social media does nothing but vent your spleen.

    I disagree here. If nobody posted about it I wouldn’t be aware of how rampant cheating is or what to look for. Raising awareness is important. Some people take it a bit far but I do think it’s valuable for people to share what they are seeing so the rest of the community knows what’s going on.
    Yup. Pretty much every YouTuber does this and the content they decide to put out on their own channel is their prerogative. However, as a content consumer, it's up to each person to decide to watch it, or not - no one is forcing anyone to participate in that content.

    Let's not set personal standards for people's social media content with a "rules for thee and not me" mindset. No offense @Colinwhitworth69 but you literally have some of your own venting here on the forum and name calling isn't exactly a noble characteristic if you're attempting to take the high road.

    Personally, I think Beroman's videos are eye opening about the BGs issues. He opens tickets to report them and he puts out his perspective of the issue. Not a single cheater should get any sympathy.
    Why would I be offended? That wrongly implies I care about someone's opinion of me.

    Bero is free to vent as he wishes. We all are. My point is that being a jerk will not change anything, except to clear the contents of said spleen. I have no issues with Bero. He's how I learned how to play Prof X correctly. But I do not visit YT channels of players who, no matter how skilled they are, just whine and cry and jump to conclusions about players, Kabam, etc. It's repetitive, boring, and somewhat embarrassing to watch. I stick to channels where they explain the stuff I need to know, like champ abilities, nodes, boss fights.
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