Cheater in battleground

Přìņče01Přìņče01 Member Posts: 193 ★★
What to do if we come across these guys.
I am a returning player after about a year or so. Currently doing victory track but came across this one guy who had terrible champs still managed to finish both fights in 3-5 seconds with 100% health.
I already reported the person in game but is there anything else we can like post the details here to get them banned or something?


  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited July 2023
    Posting the details here would actually possibly get you punished, but I believe there's an option for it if you submit a Support Ticket.
  • Přìņče01Přìņče01 Member Posts: 193 ★★
    Thank You just submitted support ticket. Let’s see what happens now
  • Markjv81Markjv81 Member Posts: 1,039 ★★★★
    Name and shame!
  • Chris_SummersChris_Summers Member Posts: 316 ★★★
    “Report user” button in the match history screen when you click on their pfp.
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