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Are 5*s still gone be relevant for me?

Im recently became a cavalier and not gon make it to throne breaker anytime soon. So I was wondering is 5*s at R5 still gon be relevant for my account when I can get 6*s easier than before (its still not so fast tho)? Im already got some good 6*s like Nimrod, Jabari, Negative, Og Hulk, Doom and Sasquatch + more trash. As 5*s I got more top champions to rank up (like Knull, Absorbing man, Hit monkey, Ham spidey, Claire and lot more) so idk is it worth it?
For me its harder to rank up 5*s tho cause they need more for R5 then 6*s to R2. So let me know your opinion


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    [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0 ★★★★
    As a Thronebreaker player right about to finish 7.3, I'd say yes. I still use 5*s a solid 30% of the time in quest content and constantly in BGs. Just remember that it's not just about the catalysts, but gold, ISO, and Sig stones too. Even at the Thronebreaker level, 6* sigs are a pain to get my hands on unless I actively try to target them. With a 5*, I can get them to sig 200 right now if I tried. Limiting yourself to 6*s is just gonna do more harm than good in terms of roster diversity. I still use my 5* Namor, Quicksilver, iBom, iDoom, Ghost, Warlock, Venom, AA and Dragon Man in all forms of content strictly because they're often the best option for it. Just rank up whoever you need for the content you're facing, and don't hesitate if that champion happens to be a 5*.
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    Noob_Master69Noob_Master69 Posts: 680 ★★★★
    As a Paragon making his way through 8.2 exploration, I'd say yes!
    Sometimes you're just in a pinch and need a certain champs that you don't have as a 6*, or it needs awakening or high sig.
    I've used quite a few 5*s throughout 8.2, ofcourse I'd go for the 6* if I have it, but in my opinion 5*s are far from irrelevant
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    I_tell_no_tales_1I_tell_no_tales_1 Posts: 1,198 ★★★★
    edited July 2023
    Short answer - yes
    Long answer - yes
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    Shake_a_QuakeShake_a_Quake Posts: 462 ★★★
    I reached cav too, a bit o' time back. But unlike what they're saying here....I kinda disregarded any new champ from the 5 star crystal i got....be it Wiccan, Gorr, red mags, apoc, after I hit cav.
    I focused more on the 6 stars, and right now I house one good 6 star in all the classes, and they're way more beneficial.

    However, I could never ever trade my OG 5 star roster....of BWCV, Sunspot, Herc (i still bring them to all my fights...herc a bit less tho). The advantage with these 5 stars is, you can R5 them very easily, and they'll hit as good as a 6star R2. And you'll get stuck at 6star R3 for pretty long, till you hit thronebreaker.

    So it's either 5 R5, the easy way. Or 6 R3 the tough but rewarding way. You choose
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    Drago_von_DragoDrago_von_Drago Posts: 781 ★★★★
    It’s been said a lot but it’s still true that a 5* can handle any content currently in the game. You’ll hit a tipping point somewhere mid-thronebreaker where it won’t make sense to start ranking up new 5*s but I still took a few like Hyperion to R5 because he needs awakened and I still haven’t pulled him as a 6* at all and I wanted him for a quest somewhere in Act 7/8.

    I’m finishing exploring Act 8 now and still using several 5* that I don’t have as a 6* yet. I started to only rank 5* that benefit from high sig after a while too. Angela, Kingpin, Guardian, Tigra…because getting a 5* to max sig is way easier at. Cav/TB level.
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,976 ★★★★★
    I see you are not yet active in Arena nor BGs.
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    wheayoba9wheayoba9 Posts: 25

    I see you are not yet active in Arena nor BGs.

    Thats the case tho. I can agree that 5*s still doing they thing in the quests, but it’s obviously lacking in BGs against full 6* rosters. And thats why Im confused what I should rank up - top 5*s champs or mid 6*s (just because BG). Like if we talking about 6* og hulk or sasquatch - theres no questions. But if I need to choose between 6* proxima/guillotine/venom duck/ronin etc and 5* zemo/absorbing man/hit monkey/knull/spot/wiccan. What should I go with?
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    LickyLicky Posts: 321 ★★★
    Bro you can do all questing content with 5 stars ( I did up to 8.2 completion with only r2 six stars and r5 5 stars) but they start to feel obselete in bgs and aw tbh

    So it depends on what Ur focusing one but in general focus on six stars and maybe only rank up 5 star featured champs so you can go for 6 star basic
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    coolspiderman17_coolspiderman17_ Posts: 322 ★★★
    I used 5* in act 8
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    Ironman3000Ironman3000 Posts: 1,922 ★★★★★
    You should start to invest less into 5* champs. If you need someone to beat a certain piece of content then go for it but to rank a 5* that you don't absolutely need is a waste of resources.
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    UnOriginalUnOriginal Posts: 727 ★★★
    You can use 5* you should mainly rank Up 5* that need sig and 6* i still use my Ángela Doom and Ghost and colosus sometimes despite having the last two as 6 stars (probably ranking Up colosus anyways)
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    JarvisreiJarvisrei Posts: 397 ★★
    There are some champions that I use as a 5* even now being a tb. Just upgrade the most usable ones like nimrod, herc, magneto red, AA, doom, torch etc.. some of these champs need high sigs too so it would be easier if they are a 5*
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    JinxesaxeJinxesaxe Posts: 411 ★★★
    wheayoba9 said:

    Im recently became a cavalier and not gon make it to throne breaker anytime soon. So I was wondering is 5*s at R5 still gon be relevant for my account when I can get 6*s easier than before (its still not so fast tho)? Im already got some good 6*s like Nimrod, Jabari, Negative, Og Hulk, Doom and Sasquatch + more trash. As 5*s I got more top champions to rank up (like Knull, Absorbing man, Hit monkey, Ham spidey, Claire and lot more) so idk is it worth it?
    For me its harder to rank up 5*s tho cause they need more for R5 then 6*s to R2. So let me know your opinion

    Anyone who says that they’re irrelevant has crazy RNG on six stars and didn’t have to wait to get champs to rank up.

    Keep ranking five stars. Even though they feel more expensive, they’re way cheaper than r2’s. I’ve been there before.

    When you feel that you’re ready to start ranking six stars that’s when you should start ranking them.

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    Agent_7Agent_7 Posts: 182 ★★
    The 5* champs still have usefulness to fill gaps in your 6* roster, but you may think about limiting to the most meta champs and/or champs that need high sigs to be viable. The champs I feel like I *need* to clear content that I don’t have at 6* are all 5R5 and still get pulled off the shelf. As a fairly new Paragon, I haven’t touched Act 8 yet - taking a break - but everything up to this point has seen me using my 5* where they are needed.
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    winterthurwinterthur Posts: 7,976 ★★★★★
    wheayoba9 said:

    I see you are not yet active in Arena nor BGs.

    Thats the case tho. I can agree that 5*s still doing they thing in the quests, but it’s obviously lacking in BGs against full 6* rosters. And thats why Im confused what I should rank up - top 5*s champs or mid 6*s (just because BG). Like if we talking about 6* og hulk or sasquatch - theres no questions. But if I need to choose between 6* proxima/guillotine/venom duck/ronin etc and 5* zemo/absorbing man/hit monkey/knull/spot/wiccan. What should I go with?
    It would be better to gauge the rank up based off what you need to progress rather than the “rep” of the champ although there is no denying 6-Star will be better than a 5-Star in the longer run.
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    IamFlashJLIamFlashJL Posts: 30
    wheayoba9 said:

    Im recently became a cavalier and not gon make it to throne breaker anytime soon. So I was wondering is 5*s at R5 still gon be relevant for my account when I can get 6*s easier than before (its still not so fast tho)? Im already got some good 6*s like Nimrod, Jabari, Negative, Og Hulk, Doom and Sasquatch + more trash. As 5*s I got more top champions to rank up (like Knull, Absorbing man, Hit monkey, Ham spidey, Claire and lot more) so idk is it worth it?
    For me its harder to rank up 5*s tho cause they need more for R5 then 6*s to R2. So let me know your opinion

    I guess you'd still need 5 stars . But your 6 star roster seems pretty good so I'd suggest you upgrade your nimrod and doom for sure .
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