Persistent Placement
Does anyone have any idea what’s going on here | first we are back at Tier 22 | second on lower right side side select map to place defenders 3 options one blanked out | easy map + normal map | what are u supposed to do with this .. if i place defenders on easy map .. its asks for a new team on normal map with defenders placed on other one not available | quit out its says defender placements no completed .. a bit lost to be honest .. any clarity welcomed
I went into it and it still the old format nothing new about it
Why because it is not clear how to handle offsesson. When we play 3 maps in season and only 1 map offseason how can we enter the only map that is set. Because every player is pointed to a room in the season runs.
With that also we get only 4 hours to manage the offseason room. So how can we switch to a offsesson room when we ar set in one off the 3 inseason rooms.
Dont think kabam has thought about that and thinks that we always play 3 rooms in and offseason. This is not how it goes in many alliances.
So @Kabam Miike how is this going to work.