Another “Is this fight doable?” thread

I don’t play Invisible Woman much and mine isn’t awakened. How do you play her to take down a R2 Gorr in 40s and end at 100% health running recoil masteries? Does her force field combined with will power allow her to heal when it’s up?

I would agree with others though that this seems unlikely unless there is a massive rank difference just because IW is not a fast champion whatsoever
Even 28 blocked hits plus liquid courage seems like a lot to heal but I don’t run willpower or use her so I’m just curious if this is repeatable.
I don’t know what rank their champs were either. Is there a way to tell within Battlegrounds after the match is over? The name has some weird characters at the beginning so I can’t search it to see if they’re at the top of the profile.
Here’s the first fight of the match for more context. They did take a little damage here but also took out an R2 Sauron in presumably 12 actual hits unless they lost their combo.
A lot of people don't use IW so they don't know but IW can deal some massive damage on her sp2 if she's invisible with enough fragility debuffs on the opponent.
The only sus part of all this is that the guy had recoil or suicides, and I'm not sure if she can keep 100% health through all that.
Do you have screenshots of your fights?
The Hulk fight is entirely doable.
Those fights are doable, kabam features for recording hits, ending blows and Max hit aren't the best. Even If they were pin point accurate, those fights are still doable.
You also said the poison damage is “completely accurate for how Gorr works” because you didn’t believe they were running liquid courage.
When you speak in absolutes it doesn’t leave a lot of room for changing your mind without hurting your credibility. You’ve made two very emphatic but completely inaccurate statements in this thread alone.
Liquid courage was involved so the poison wasn’t “completely accurate” and something can’t be very impossible and also definitely doable so one of those two is wrong. I’m just saying maybe tone down the level of the response if you aren’t sure.
I still believe the poison and bleed percentages are extremely accurate to how Gorr works. He starts by being able to apply bleeds, which is why the bleed percentage is much higher. He then can apply poisons. Whether they had suicides or not, those bleed and poison stats are accurate to how a Gorr fight is most likely to turn out. But either way, as long as she has her force field she should be healing from the debuffs.
I'm not gonna act less sure about what I believe to be true in a discussion. That just doesn't make any sense. After hearing multiple perspectives and having more time to look at the stats, I came to my conclusion. And if I hear more perspectives or see something I didn't notice before, I will change it again.
That’s assuming champs are of similar ranks. If it’s an r4/5 against r1 then maybe.