Detailed Rhino Buff Concept

MCOC Rhino Buff Draft
By Super Gamer Boy
About Rhino
Aleksei Sytsevich's life changed the moment he stepped into an experimental suit — and became the rampaging Rhino! What he lacks in brainpower, he makes up in strength, speed, and a thick hide. And whatever you do, don't get him angry — or you'll end up on the wrong side of his razor-sharp horns!
Class: science
Abilities: armor up, fury, unstoppable, unblockable, ect…
Lots of buffs.
Rhino's access to many buffs makes nodes such as buffed up a walk in the park. Well, more specifically, a charge in the park for Rhino.
High armor and attack
When Rhino gets his armor up buffs, that's when he’ll be doing the most damage. It's like they say, “you mess with the Rhino, you get the horn”.
Nullify, stagger, fate seal
Due to the fact that Rhino's source of damage comes from his buffs, watch out for these abilities during fights.
Armor break
Because Rhino utilizes armor up buffs a lot during fights. Armor break would be quite a problem for him.
These stats are based on a rank 5 65 five star
Dash attacks
Rhino becomes passively unstoppable when dashing towards the enemy. This cannot be affected by ability accuracy modification except for slow from non-mystic opponents.
The first hit of a dash attack gains +40% combat power rate and +1173 (50%) attack ratting.
Armor up buffs (max stack 20)
Armor up buffs lasts indefinitely and each increases armor rating by 42 (8%) and also grants +46.92 (2%) attack rating.
When struck by a hit. Rhino removes 1 armor up buff and reduces the damage taken from the hit by 30%. If the hit would have inflicted a damage overtime debuff, remove 1 additional armor up buff and nullify that debuff.
At 15 or more armor up buffs, become passively unblockable during dash attacks.
The first hit of a dash attack grants Rhino 1 armor up buff.
If Rhino reaches 0 armor up buffs, gain 5 after 10 seconds.
Heavy attacks
Inflict an infuriate debuff for 10 seconds. Making the opponent more aggressive and reducing their offensive ability accuracy by 75%. When this debuff expires, this ability goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.
Special attacks
Special attacks:
Intercepting the opponent with a special attack grants a non-stacking fury buff for 15 seconds. Increasing attack by 1407.6 (60%).
Special 1:
If this hit lands, remove up to 3 armor up buffs and stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds for each armor up buff removed. While the opponent is passively stunned, basic attacks gain +239.4 (70%) critical rating.
Special 2:
Each hit removes 1 armor up buff and inflicts an armor break debuff each lasting 10 seconds. Armor break debuffs remove 1 armor up buff off of the opponent when inflicted and reduce their armor rating by 15%.
Special 3:
Remove all armor up buffs and inflict a bleed debuff lasting for 20 seconds. Dealing 117.3 (5%) of base attack as direct damage for each armor up buff removed.
Signature ability: Rhi-no mercy
While 20 armor up buffs are active, become bleed and stun immune.
Intercepting the opponent with a dash attack has a 40 - 100% chance to grant an additional armor up buff.
When gaining a fury buff. Also gain a non-stacking cruelty buff. Increasing critical damage rating by 157.5 - 367.5 (30 - 70%).
Rhino, Spider-Man (classic), Spider-Gwen: all champions gain +[85, 115, 155] critical rating.
Rhino, Abomination: all champions gain +[ 70, 95, 130] armor rating.
Rhino, Punisher: all champions gain +130 armor rating.
Rhino, Electro: all champions gain +[4, 5]% perfect block chance.
Updated synergies
Eastern blockers (with Red Guardian on the team)
Rhino: start the fight with an additional 2 armor up buffs and increase the max stack limit of armor up buffs by 5.
Full speed ahead (with Nova on the team)
Rhino: if he fills a bar of power on the first hit of a dash attack, gain an additional armor up buff.
By Super Gamer Boy
About Rhino
Aleksei Sytsevich's life changed the moment he stepped into an experimental suit — and became the rampaging Rhino! What he lacks in brainpower, he makes up in strength, speed, and a thick hide. And whatever you do, don't get him angry — or you'll end up on the wrong side of his razor-sharp horns!
Class: science
Abilities: armor up, fury, unstoppable, unblockable, ect…
Lots of buffs.
Rhino's access to many buffs makes nodes such as buffed up a walk in the park. Well, more specifically, a charge in the park for Rhino.
High armor and attack
When Rhino gets his armor up buffs, that's when he’ll be doing the most damage. It's like they say, “you mess with the Rhino, you get the horn”.
Nullify, stagger, fate seal
Due to the fact that Rhino's source of damage comes from his buffs, watch out for these abilities during fights.
Armor break
Because Rhino utilizes armor up buffs a lot during fights. Armor break would be quite a problem for him.
These stats are based on a rank 5 65 five star
Dash attacks
Rhino becomes passively unstoppable when dashing towards the enemy. This cannot be affected by ability accuracy modification except for slow from non-mystic opponents.
The first hit of a dash attack gains +40% combat power rate and +1173 (50%) attack ratting.
Armor up buffs (max stack 20)
Armor up buffs lasts indefinitely and each increases armor rating by 42 (8%) and also grants +46.92 (2%) attack rating.
When struck by a hit. Rhino removes 1 armor up buff and reduces the damage taken from the hit by 30%. If the hit would have inflicted a damage overtime debuff, remove 1 additional armor up buff and nullify that debuff.
At 15 or more armor up buffs, become passively unblockable during dash attacks.
The first hit of a dash attack grants Rhino 1 armor up buff.
If Rhino reaches 0 armor up buffs, gain 5 after 10 seconds.
Heavy attacks
Inflict an infuriate debuff for 10 seconds. Making the opponent more aggressive and reducing their offensive ability accuracy by 75%. When this debuff expires, this ability goes on cooldown for 10 seconds.
Special attacks
Special attacks:
Intercepting the opponent with a special attack grants a non-stacking fury buff for 15 seconds. Increasing attack by 1407.6 (60%).
Special 1:
If this hit lands, remove up to 3 armor up buffs and stun the opponent for 1.5 seconds for each armor up buff removed. While the opponent is passively stunned, basic attacks gain +239.4 (70%) critical rating.
Special 2:
Each hit removes 1 armor up buff and inflicts an armor break debuff each lasting 10 seconds. Armor break debuffs remove 1 armor up buff off of the opponent when inflicted and reduce their armor rating by 15%.
Special 3:
Remove all armor up buffs and inflict a bleed debuff lasting for 20 seconds. Dealing 117.3 (5%) of base attack as direct damage for each armor up buff removed.
Signature ability: Rhi-no mercy
While 20 armor up buffs are active, become bleed and stun immune.
Intercepting the opponent with a dash attack has a 40 - 100% chance to grant an additional armor up buff.
When gaining a fury buff. Also gain a non-stacking cruelty buff. Increasing critical damage rating by 157.5 - 367.5 (30 - 70%).
Rhino, Spider-Man (classic), Spider-Gwen: all champions gain +[85, 115, 155] critical rating.
Rhino, Abomination: all champions gain +[ 70, 95, 130] armor rating.
Rhino, Punisher: all champions gain +130 armor rating.
Rhino, Electro: all champions gain +[4, 5]% perfect block chance.
Updated synergies
Eastern blockers (with Red Guardian on the team)
Rhino: start the fight with an additional 2 armor up buffs and increase the max stack limit of armor up buffs by 5.
Full speed ahead (with Nova on the team)
Rhino: if he fills a bar of power on the first hit of a dash attack, gain an additional armor up buff.
How does the friends synergy provide different amounts of armor depending on the friend? Isn't this usually a default amount?