My alliance had a mission pop 45 mins before servers went down. There were exactly 5 people online in Line when it happened. They all did it and those were the only completions. We didn't get anything like this. Doesn't mean it's fake. Could mean that they just haven't cycled all the compensations out
My alliance had a mission pop 45 mins before servers went down. There were exactly 5 people online in Line when it happened. They all did it and those were the only completions. We didn't get anything like this. Doesn't mean it's fake. Could mean that they just haven't cycled all the compensations out
That's for allainces that missed like days worth due to a glitch where they didn't trigger
Ahhhhh makes sense. If I read the date in the message thought would have been apparent.
Ahhhhh makes sense. If I read the date in the message thought would have been apparent.