What do y'all think?

I was playing bgs and was in the middle of a win streak until I went up against this guy... Idk if I'm just rlly upset bc of the win streak or if this guy is actually modding but that seems a lil suspicious. I didn't post on forums to get y'all to report him or wtv I just wanna know y'all's opinion if y'all think he's modding or not?
if not this is doable if your peni is one lower rank than kingpin
and the bishop one is definitely possible with 7* he's got regen and massive sp2 with recoil tree masteries
The only way I see that Bishop fight being possible is if he got 3 parries, rushed to an sp2 as fast as possible, and killed with the beam. It depends on what rank the Jabari is, but if this is during the Bleed meta then I believe Bishop should be losing Prowess, so I highly doubt this is possible.