Arena Lock Out

DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
edited July 2023 in Bugs and Known Issues
I know there’s an alert that there’s an issue with Arena and Express Mode, but that issue extends beyond Express Mode.

I have been locked out of arena when there’s three champs in my queue and I don’t start the fight. Leave and come back. Locked out!

I’ve also been locked out when I hit 17 in a row. I select three champs hit start and get locked out.

Funny this issue stated when Kabam added the Sort Arena Help Champs Below Useable Ones Option.

Killing my streaks! Please fix this urgently. I paid for Sigil for Express Mode!


  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48

  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Kabam maybe temporarily disable the “Sort Arena Help Champs Below Useable Ones” option. The issue seem to occur once you added that.
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    By the way… in all incidences above, I have the express mode toggle turned off at suggested.
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48


    It’s beyond the Express Mode… I think it’s when they added the “SORT ARENA HELP CHAMPS BELOW USEABLE ONES” option in settings.

    Also doesn’t it after 17 in a row and “QUICK FILL” For me the last couple rounds. 🥵
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    FYI @Kabam Miike thanks for the updates!
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    @Kabam Miike I am sure there are plenty of help tickets already so I just posted here 😀
  • Salsa_Cha1Salsa_Cha1 Member Posts: 3
    I’m locked out too and I don’t even have the sigil. Love to see it 😀
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Did you exit arena? It kills your streak… but you can at least get back in.
  • Ayden_noah1Ayden_noah1 Member Posts: 1,709 ★★★★
    I get the frozen screen where I have to excite and lose my win streak. I don't have the sigil and I opt out and trying opting in for the Sort Arena Help Champs Below Useable. Nothing changes. I notice that if I do like 4 sets of matches and log out, log back in. Everything works for now. Also I can't switch from arena mode otherwise I get the frozen screen. Either do every other game mode or arena 4 sets of matches only and seems to work so far.
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Thanks for the comments… not just a Sigil Express Mode thing..
  • InfamousMikeInfamousMike Member Posts: 71
    I have paid for this feature and now I cant use it...
    Bad bad bad bad..
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    I am sure they are working on it… I believe Kabam Miike stated they extend Sigil to next month from this month.
  • Wasy1Wasy1 Member Posts: 101
    Have no issue in normal mode
  • AARonMay81AARonMay81 Member Posts: 2

  • AARonMay81AARonMay81 Member Posts: 2
    Both arenas are locked for the second series in a row. Not express mode either….
  • winterthurwinterthur Member Posts: 8,058 ★★★★★

  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    @winterthur that is from an old feed… but thanks!
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48
    Any update from Kabam on arena fix?
  • DeanDoomDeanDoom Member Posts: 48

    Greetings Summoners,

    Yesterday, we released v40.1.1, a hotfix that addresses this Arena issue. If you have not downloaded that hotfix yet, we suggest doing so as soon as possible, and it should resolve your Arena issues.

    Now that the issue is resolved, we can look at compensating for the lost time and resources.

    The following packages will only be going out to Summoners that played in the Arenas and were affected by these issues between July 10th and July 17th, 2023.

    200x Units
    50,000x Battlechips
    250,000x Gold

    Sigil Subscribers will also receive an extension of their Sigil Subscription that will account for each day the bug was live before the fix went out, plus 3 extra days. That’s 8 Days, plus 3 for a total of 11 days.

    We will work to get this out as soon as possible, but with other things happening right now, this may not happen until the beginning of August.

    We apologize for the inconvenience and thank you all again for your patience.

    @Kabam Miike thanks for the update and for the compensation in advance!

    Have a great day!
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