The duel of the science champs?

This is a challenge will you accept?
The rules are you can not use suicides, no boosts, only synergy's! You have to kill winter soldier faster then me, the catch is it has to be with and r4. So do you accept?
The rules are you can not use suicides, no boosts, only synergy's! You have to kill winter soldier faster then me, the catch is it has to be with and r4. So do you accept?

Boosted my 5* Silk so she had the stats of a r4, and WS AI just sucks too much to work with
This counts right she's rank 4 and only synergies
6* r3 CGR (sig 50)
its about a month or so old
I read CHALLANGE I posted my best one it was supposed to be science only LOL
6* r4 Scorpion (sig 36)
Scorpion best science champion