Black ISO market store. (Buff?)

With the inflation and depreciation on tons of in game materials … should we see a buff and update on the store ???? 7* shards and perhaps 7* champs in here?? For an actual paid feature (store) part of the game, U would think the buff should have happened when 7* champs were released. Any updates on this team??? Or anyone that might have any info?
Loyalty Store
Incursion Store
They are should have been updated/buffed/revamped about 6 months ago. All of these stores should be buffed every 6 months (mandatory) otherwise they will become irrevelant to the point nobody uses them and if they do then they will be ripped off LOL
The question is how long are you going to hold your breath.
But yes now 18 dollars a month for the same stuff that was great 2 yes ago, is well not great value anymore